POLIWOOD- Iranium: The film Ahmadinejad does not want you to see

PJ Media Though no one could mistake it for Citizen Kane, Iranium is an immensely important film made all the more timely with the Middle East in chaos and Iranian warships steaming through the Suez Canal. Where is this all headed? It's hard to say anywhere good, since allowing Iran to have the bomb is rather like giving nuclear weapons to a psychotic three-year old.Iranium gives a necessary outline of the Iranian situation from the fall of the Shah through Khomeini, Khamenei and Ahmadinejad. Lionel and I interviewed its producer, Raphael Shore, in the new Poliwood - Iranium: The Film Ahmadinejad Does Not Want You to See.Get this film and, more importantly, get it to your clueless friends. class="pages"> https://pjmedia.com/blog/poliwood-iranium-the-film-ahmadinejad-does-not-want-you-to-see/ ...

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Feb 18th 2011
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