I grew up with this. Good for children.
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This 80's Disney flick is refreshingly unpozzed. It's about a White boy who goes missing under strange circumstances, only to find that he disappeared for years without aging. He is then taken and studied by NASA. They discover star charts in his memory that they have never heard of. He is beckoned by a spaceship in the facility. The ship then flies him away from the facility where it's explained that there was an issue with the ship so they needed to download their starcharts into the boys head. The ship is controlled by an AI who talks like PeeWee Herman. It's a fun and wholesome movie with some killer scenes. One comes to mind where he get the pilot the ship at supersonic speeds while rocking the Beach Boys. There is some Jim Henson creatures in this movie too. He eventually is returned to his all White family and they live happily ever after. There is one jew in the movie, Sarah Jessica Parker, but her character isn't jewish. I don't remember anything a RW'er would frown upon. Good for children!

Apr 29th 2022
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