Mystery Science Theater 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Ed Driscoll It's long been said that Washington is Hollywood for ugly people; a decade ago, John McCain flipped that equation over and said that "Hollywood is a Washington for the simpleminded." Asking, "Does Everyone in the Administration Think They're in a Movie?", in today's Campaign Spot email (click here to subscribe), Jim Geraghty links to multiple pundits as diverse as Ace of Spades, WaPo lefty Dana Milbank, centrist Peggy Noonan, and PJM's own Andy McCarthy, with examples of Obama administration and their most rabid fans, who appear to view politics as a movie:Allow me to turn your attention to a disturbingly insightful essay from Ace over at Ace of Spades. I'll presume you're familiar with the concept of the MacGuffin -- Hitchcock's term for the object that drives the plot of...

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