Debunking the Sorority and Fraternity Myth—It's All 'Greek' to You

Lifestyle Part 1: 4 Ways Being a Sorority Girl Prepared Me for the Real World*****Attitudes about sororities and fraternities are quite polarized—something akin to Congress 2013.  As a member of Greek life, I find this disheartening. However, I am not surprised.I went to a small, farm town high school and although I found the thought of being part of a sorority interesting I never actually thought I would join one. My only experience with these organizations came from TV shows and movies (which weren't positive). For example, Legally Blonde showed out-of-touch, Barbie doll Elle Woods leaving her sunny, Californian college in her Porsche to attend Harvard Law School. The purpose wasn’t to study law but to get her bonehead boyfriend back.  She had a good LSAT...

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Nov 6th 2013
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