Best Movies Streaming for Families in August 2022

The days are long, hot and sweaty. That can make August a great month for swimsuits, tank tops and … air-conditioned movie watching! So, what’s family friendly and new to streaming sites this month?


Space Jam (PG, 1996) An evil alien theme-park owner kidnaps Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes. With some help from superstar Michael Jordan, Bugs and the gang play for their freedom. OK, nobody’s saying that this silly live-action-with-animation flick is award-worthy, but it almost feels like a classic bit of ball-dribbling fun when compared to other kids’ pics on offer. So grab a courtside seat.

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie (TV-Y7, 2022) Based on the new Nickelodeon series, the mutant turtle brothers are saving the world from...

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Aug 8th 2022
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