Keep Watching the Screens! Bruce Rux’s Hollywood vs. the Aliens

2,944 words

[1]Bruce Rux

Hollywood vs. the Aliens: The Motion Picture Industry’s Participation in UFO Disinformation [2]

Berkeley, Cal.: Frog Limited, 1997

“Not only is there an amazing willingness in the human mind to invest credence and faith in unproven facts, but there is more evil, more readiness than ever on the part of various sophisticated groups, to use this human weakness as a tool in controlling others.” — Jacques Vallée, Revelations 

A Constant Reader recently sent me a gift card with instructions to use it to buy this book. I guess he thought that as a fan of Z movies and insider conspiracies, it would be right up my alley. And, he was right — up to a point.

For once, the cover blurb is accurate, and really says...

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Jan 4th 2019
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