Ayn Rand, Before CapitalismFull review >>
5,078 words
[1]Editor’s Note:
This essay was written in 2000 and published online at a long-defunct website. It contains some good ideas and good writing, so I believe it deserves to live again.
“The capitalistic world is low, unprincipled and corrupt.”
—Ayn Rand, Journals of Ayn Rand
“The mob had not yet been taught to openly and consistently worship itself as a mob; it still has vestiges of respect for individualism ground into it by centuries of aristocracy.”
—Ayn Rand, Journals of Ayn Rand
“The free market . . . is the greatest of all educators. It continually raises the knowledge of the citizens, the caliber of their tastes, the discrimination of their pleasures, the sophistication of their needs . . . the growing...
Contains Mention
Jan 5th 2019