Nocturnal Animals

DramaMystery/Suspense We hope this review was both interesting and useful. Please share it with family and friends who would benefit from it as well.Movie ReviewThe West Texas night is warm and starless as Tony Hastings drives down a lonely highway, dust and scrub flashing in his brights. His wife sits beside him, gently holding his hand. His daughter, India, sleeps in the back seat, bored by her bar-less phone. His car comes up behind two others creeping along side by side. He honks, and one reluctantly makes way. Then speeds up. Then clips Tony's bumper. Then sideswipes the car, passengers hollering, pushing Tony's restored Mercedes off the road. A man gets out of the attacking car, knocks on Tony's window. And … Susan turns the page. It's a balmy night in Los Angeles. Susan knows...

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Dec 9th 2016
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