DramaComedy We hope this review was both interesting and useful. Please share it with family and friends who would benefit from it as well.Movie ReviewJesus said, "The poor you will always have with you." But a high schooler might want to pull out poor and put in its place cliques. Cliques. Those ruthless stereotypes that sort every adolescent into the "appropriate" social strata, categories hermetically sealed by the caste system of popularity. After all, what do athletes and popular girls have to do with geeks and stoners? The Breakfast Club suggests the answer is this: a lot more than you might think. It's Saturday, March 24, 1984. A little before 7:00 a.m., five high school students arrive to serve a day of detention for crimes and misdemeanors committed at school (some more serious...
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Proper Review
Feb 7th 1985