Depraved Jew Harvey Weinstein Spread Fake Anti-Semitism Rumors to Help His Film Win an Oscar

Frei Daily Stormer

December 6, 2019

Ronan Farrow recently published his book about the Harvey Weinstein scandal, Catch and Kill. Reading through it, I’m struck that almost everyone involved in this nefarious drama is a Jew, except, of course, the goyess victims of Weinstein’s depraved lusts. Weinstein is a Jew, the media execs he gets to help him suppress the various scandal-related stories are Jews; the lawyers are Jews; the black ops specialists he recruits to spy on his victims are Jews (from the Israeli firm Black Cube, staffed with ex-Mossad operatives); even the author Ronan Farrow is a Jew, son of Mia Farrow and the archetypal Jew himself, Woody Allen.

One interesting detail in the narrative is that Weinstein once spread rumors that the mathematician John Nash...

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Dec 6th 2019
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