REVIEW: Avatar: The Last Airbender – Season 1 (2024)

Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The Last Airbender is my favorite TV series. I love plenty of others, like Gargoyles and Batman: The Animated Series. Penny Dreadful would have made the list were it not for its third and final season. But Avatar has original characters that have become iconic in less than twenty years, stunning worldbuilding that Star Wars could learn from, a fascinating magic system, and moving things to say about spirituality, destiny, and basic human empathy. Much like Gargoyles and Batman, I didn’t see Avatar when it was new. I wasn’t alive when Batman aired; I only say this to emphasize that I don’t have “nostalgia” for Avatar. I saw it as an adult and was blown away by its sophistication and how well-thought-out everything was. I tried to be open-minded...

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Feb 28th 2024
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