Only The Young
3.2 Stars
A pretty vanilla inspirational sports film with cautionary elements mixed in. Some of the cringe, overdone dialog and awkward moments actually feel appropriate since the majority of characters are in highschool. Theres a nice, very 80s, soundtrack accompaniment, that reuses the same songs on very predictable cues multiple times throughout the film. I vaguely remembered watching this some years back, but there were so many parts I just forgot. It's almost like Vision Quest left a better impression of the film in my mind that doesn't match the quality of the film its self. In fact, after I finished it, I found an edit someone made on YouTube of important scenes all cut together with the main theme song , Only The Young by Journey playing over them. It was basically the core of the film as a two minute music video, which was very similar to how my brain recalled Vision Quest.
Jun 1st 2024

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