‘Between the Temples’ – Indie Cinema at Its Most Appealing

There’s a reason “Harold and Maude” is both a cult classic and darn near impossible to remake.

The May-December template is tricky in modern times. Swap the genders and you’re supporting The PatriarchyTM.

“Between the Temples” proves it can be done after all. You just need a perfect cast, droll dialogue and insights into the human condition that almost always ring true.

Jason Schwartzman stars as “Cantor Ben,” a 40-something widower mourning the death of his wife. He’s a mess, and he can’t find escape in either work or his parents’ attempts to find him a new love.

He’s also lost his voice, an occupational hazard giving his synagogue chores.

Ben has a meet-cute moment with Carla (Carol Kane), a music teacher from his childhood. Carla’s heart is three sizes...

Proper Review
Aug 22nd 2024
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