solid flick
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Gay Stuff

I don't really care about homosexuality. I just have started to dislike them ever since the tranny stuff and the push for brainwashing kids. But in general, I'm not opposed to homos and think Freddie is a perfect example of the outlier in society who provides a lot for the community. I know Hollywood may exaggerate their importance, like with "The Imitation Game" but the point still remains. And in the Alt Right there seem to be a lot of homos because they need to live for something greater than just a normal family. So, from that perspective, the film is enjoyable and the f**gy stuff is tolerable.

But it's hard to be sympathetic to the guy (even if you're not a religious fundamentalist), because it's like.... what the hell did you think would happen when you went on drug fueled benders f**king every butthole in site? The film explicitly tries to say this isn't a cautionary tale. And they try to be objective and just tell the story. But it can't help but come off as a big warning to viewers saying "DON'T BE A DEGENERATE OR YOU WILL DIE AND BE MISERABLE AND LONELY BECAUSE THERE'S MORE TO THE WORLD THAN MATERIALIST NIHILISM." 

Based on true story films are the best. No random revisionist history making people black. Perhaps because they didn't need to in his case. I guess he was Parsi Indian:

So that is a huge bonus for open borders leftists. Super intersectional life story so they don't need to imbellish much at all. Real life "Moonlight."

But whatever, I think even the most hardcore anti-immigration activists will gladly admit that some outliers and exceptions are fine. We merely just want to keep the percentages as they were before the 60's. Keep a majority ethnic group and allow some spice. Problem with movies like this is that the average Joe doesn't understand per capita and big picture statistics. They view the world through feels and anecdotes. If all sodomites and curry n*gs are like Freddie, then why don't we build bridges and not walls!?!?

It's the same kind of logic that gets people to donate billions of dollars to Africa for the "Live Aid" concert....

Anyway, good movie. Great artist. I'm just nitpicking for the sake of the review. But unless you are super religious and hate homos, then I recommend this film. 

May 1st 2019
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