Concussion v. the Hijacking of the Civil-Rights Movement

Afro-Pessimism Will Smith’s Concussion turns out to have an appropriate title. The hijacking of the civil-rights movement by today’s black race hustlers and white liberals, all acting through the sanctimonious media, produces a continuing series of blows to the spirit and to the body politic. Witness the irony that Smith’s widely ignored film has come to figure in the current controversy about “diversity” in the Academy Awards. Yet, no one talks about the content of Concussion itself, even though it may be the most unexpectedly head-on movie about racial experience made during the Obama era. Smith portrays Dr. Bennet Omalu, the Nigerian-born forensic pathologist whose findings on chronic traumatic encephalopathy (brain and nerve damage suffered by boxers...

Proper Review
Jan 22nd 2016
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