Zulu (1964, starring Michael Caine and Stanley Baker).

Zulu (1964, starring Michael Caine and Stanley Baker).

Zulu is based on a true event. It’s about an epic battle between British Army soldiers and negro warriors (the Zulu) in 1879 in Natal province, South Africa [1]. The Zulu attack on the British soldiers is relentless and bloody, lasting 2 or 3 days. The British are hopelessly outnumbered by a factor of 40-to-1. Nonetheless, the White soldiers do a good job of repelling the negroes. There is lots of action in this movie. One character I found interesting was Color-Sergeant Bourne, a stereotypical “stiff Brit.”

I liked Zulu. The acting and the cinematography are first-rate. I give this movie 9 out of 10 points. It’s among the better movies I’ve seen recently.

[1] Natal is now called KwaZulu-Natal


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Jan 7th 2011
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