Cool, Funny “Get Smart” – Early Review: Finally a Movie Plays Great Tribute to its TV Original

By Debbie Schlussel

As a longtime fan of “Get Smart,” I was dreading the new movie version. As a kid, I watched after school re-runs of the show in the late ’70s, after my Dad introduced me to the cult comedy classic that was one of his faves. The 1960s Mel Brooks/Buck Henry TV series parodied secret agent movies (like James Bond) during the Cold War and featured a forever screwing-up secret agent, Maxwell Smart, as its lead. I figured this would be yet another cool TV series that Hollywood ruined in a remake.

New “Get Smart” is Great Continuation of Old “Get Smart”

But happily, I was wrong about this latest silver screen incarnation. The movie is a great, updated, hilarious version of the ’60s TV show that plays fine tribute to Agents...

Proper Review
Jun 18th 2008
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