Happy Halloween! | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 407
04:37 "... Daisy ad the famous days yet from 1964 ..."
15:35 "... the guy from Gilligan's Island a ..."

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Join the team! https://www.dailywire.com/subscribeI'm Keith Olbermann and this is the resistance yesterday we received a magnificent present a present so large so impressive so monumental as to boggle the mind and set the heart aflutter yes my friends we are well on our way to seeing the usurper Trump brought low to seeing the restoration of this Republic to seeing I think the greatest collapse of our lifetime because you see Special Counsel Robert Mueller has uncovered a scandal the likes of which make Watergate seem like child's play this evidence shows that Donald J Trump is more dangerous than Hitler more dangerous than Stalin more dangerous than that mobile pet spud somehow used the wrong shampoo on my cat fluffy leaving her less cuddly than usual and reducing me to a quivering ball of humanity lying prone in my home tears and urine now you may say that Mueller's indictment of Paul Manafort Trump's former campaign manager says nothing about Trump or his campaign but you do not have the depth of intellect that earned me entrance to the prestigious Cornell College of Agriculture and life sciences you do not have the nuance to understand that Mueller just put the final nail into Trump's political grave no one does no one did it ESPN no one did at MSNBC no one did it Fox sports nut no one did it espn2 no one did it Current TV it took me a lifetime to find the political geniuses at GQ but they understand me and love me as I deserve to be loved as I deserve to be loved Donald J Trump you sir are a liar you sir are a buffoon you sir are the kind of human being for whom decency means nothing and for whom the world is merely a whorehouse of refuse and trash that somehow turns me on and yet simultaneously repulses me suffice it to say Donald J Trump is on his way out to the big house to the slammer to the hoosegow to the calaboose to the pokey to sing-sing and Robert Mueller with my help and God's will will put him there if you wish to purchase my new book Keith is effing crazy this is not a joke go on over to Amazon now I know there some criticizing me for mocking Tommy Lehren I said the Tommy Lehren misused the flag and some look at my book cover and say well Keith you also misuse the flag I am the flag the flag me the same amazing resist remove peace i'm ben shapiro this is the ben shapiro show ok so i couldn't all get through i think through that whole thing without laughing sorry about that folks but there is your keith olbermann impersonation for a halloween hope you enjoyed it as much as i did writing it and reading it probably not but tough it's my show so we have a lot to get to today we are going to be discussing the fallout from the amana ford indictment and from the george papadapolis capitalist in indictment and he actually made a plea bargain i'm gonna talk about whether Trump is gonna be tempted into firing Robert Mueller the special counsel I think that would be a very large mistake we're gonna get to all of that plus I want to talk a little bit at length about this insane ad that I mentioned yesterday from a Latino victory caucus in Virginia against Ed Gillespie the Republican candidate for Virginia governor but first I want to say thank you to our sponsors over at bull and branch so one of the things that you actually should spend some money on is the is the sheet set that you use to sleep because you're going to spend in an ordinate number of hours tonight trying to sleep and tossing and turning around in those uncomfortable old bed sheets that's where Boleyn branch comes in bull and branch makes the most affordable and high quality sheets that you can buy they are made from 100% organic cotton that means bull and bran sheets not only feel incredible they also look amazing and they sell exclusively on lines that means you're not paying the expensive retail markup half the price for twice the quality you will love the sheets try them for full enough for 30 nights and see for yourself how much you like them if you don't like them then you can always return them for a full refund so it's a risk-free proposition go to bull and branch calm today you'll get $50 off your first set of sheets plus free shipping when you use promo code Ben again these sheets are so good that I will not buy any other type of sheets acceptable and branch from my own family as $50 off plus free shipping right now at bull and branch calm that's bol el and branch calm promo code Bennigan's bull and branch calm promo code Ben okay so I actually want to star today with the ad that I talked briefly about yesterday from the Latino victory caucus in Virginia and for those who missed it I want to play it because this is I think the worst political ad I have ever seen in my life I mean I think this makes the Daisy ad the famous days yet from 1964 where LBJ essentially accused Barry Goldwater of wanting to get the United States Newt it makes that ad look like nothing I mean this is really an egregious ad so for those who can't see you're about to see a bunch of minority children who are who are running away from a truck that has on it a confederate flag they don't tread on me license plate and an Ed Gillespie bumper sticker because the truck is going to run them over because it's a white supremacist seeking to kill minority children [Music] [Music] so Latino kid stops and then he sees an asian kid and then both of them start running because here comes that truck again ed gillespie bumper sticker on it every racially diverse child in Virginia is on this block and here they've been running away from the from the truck and oh no they've run into a dead end the truck suddenly it's night and the headlights come up and all the kids wake up from their terrible dream is this what Donald Trump and Ed Gillespie meet and then it's a picture of the people of the parents watching the Charlottesville hate rally and says reject hate vote November reject hate vote November 7th and paid for a Latino victory fund it's not authorized by the candidate but obviously the candidate did not condemn it the reason that I'm playing this ad again is because it really does speak to the insanity that has now engulfed huge parts of the left you know the great conflicts in American history have largely been driven not just by political differences but by the feeling that those political differences are not are not where we are unable to overcome those political differences that we hate each other right there the actual hate in this ad is not from Ed Gillespie right the actual hate in this ad is from this Latino victory fund it's from the campaign for Ralph Northam who actually you know if he didn't give the go-ahead to the ad which would've been illegal he obviously hasn't condemned the ad and there was another mailer that actually went out from the northern campaign endorsed by the northern campaign linking again Ed Gillespie to what happened in Charlottesville Virginia it's really pretty horrific stuff when when I read Federalist one yesterday and I talked about how Alexander Hamilton had specifically cited the idea that in politics you have to assume the best intentions on the part of your opponent if you want to convince them we're no longer in the age of convincing we're now in the age of getting out your base and I think that that's a political truism I think that people missed that in 2012 but in 2016 I think people got that that it was all about getting out the base no more was it no one was trying to appeal to the median voter now it's just about getting out the people who already like you and the best way to get them out is to essentially say that your opponent is evil and horrible and nasty and terrible but if you do this too much if you rely on this tactic too much you actually end up telling Americans that the people that they live with in their same community are evil horrible nasty brutish people and if you do that it's very hard to put the country back together again because I can have conversations with people with whom I disagree I do it all the time for a living I do it all the time casually I live in LA I mean this stuff happens but I don't actually think the people I live with in LA and the individuals with whom I speak are nasty horrible people I think they may believe bad things that are bad but I don't believe they're nasty evil people this ad essentially suggests that people who disagree with you are nasty evil people again it falls into the intersectional politics you want you want an example of intersectional politics at its finest this is the example of intersectional politics at its finest right this idea that you're gonna have all of these various minority groups and they're all running away from the evil white majority that is chasing them down on streets it's it's really a horrific ad and that's not the only evidence that we have of that over the last 24 hours Elliot Hamilton reporter for Daily wire he got ahold of an email that was issued by a woman apparently named Madeline leader she is the head of data services for the technology department at the DNC and she wrote this letter she was trying to search people out for four jobs she said a bit more than just the messenger here but we in the technology department here at the DNC are looking to hire for the following positions and then she lists a bunch of positions then she says as you may have heard we are rebuilding the technology team into a robust well-oiled machine that can tackle all elections from the presidential down to dog catcher and school board what's more important is that we are focused on hiring and maintaining a staff of diverse voices and life experiences something that we desperately need if we hope to secure the future of our countries and they're not just trying to hire a data science lead or a full stack engineer or a product designer they're trying to hire a staff of diverse voices and life experiences because you know when your computer crashes what you really need is somebody coming in and explaining to you how they grew up poor in in an inner city that's that's really really important I know in my computer crashes the first thing I do when I call our IT guy is I say to him please tell me the story of your life and how you're diverse experiences have led you to the point where you can fix my mac no that's not how any of this works but that's how I'm the bad part here's what the email apparently says according madellaine leader again the data the the Democratic National Committee data service manager who gave in no comments daily wire when we asked her about it she said please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and feel free to for it on to your contacts I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender straight white males since they're already in the majority she says straight out in the email that she doesn't want this email forwarded to people who happen to be straight and white because they're already in the majority it's that same sort of intersectional logic that leads to the idea that we can gauge your value as a human being we can gauge your worthiness in the workplace by your color by your life experiences as opposed to by the quality of work you do or by the kind of activity in which you take place again the slander in that Latino victory ad the slander that everyone implies a confederate flag is trying to run down black children which is insane I mean they're legitimately hundreds of thousands of Americans we're not doing that and have Confederate flags the idea that everyone is voting for Ed Gillespie size with the charlottesville hate protesters the idea that anyone who has it don't tread on me on the front of their car that that person is trying to run down some poor Muslim child on the streets of Alexandria it's just insane but again it comes from the same intersectional place that this white majority is inevitably imbued with a nasty horrible racism that cannot be fixed and as long as we think that as long as the left keeps doing that they're gonna get pushback from the other side right that Trump was a symptom of this you want to know one of the reasons why Trump won one of the reasons why Trump won is because Americans got sick and tired of being told that they were the types of people who are trying to drive people down and Hillary's deplorable lines was the worst thing she could have said during that campaign because when she said deplorable she may have been referring to the all right but instead she paints it with a broad brush said half of all Trump supporters were members of the all right that of course was untrue well what this leads to is a is a an insane amount of doubt in our institutions because we no longer trust the institution's we no longer trust the people who staff our institutions now we look at the motivations of the people who staff our institutions and we say are these people well motivated or not or is everything a partisan battle and that's why I think what happens in the in the mana Ford indictment or the Papadopoulos situation all of that is gonna have bearing on how Trump thinks Trump is an oppositional thinker he tends to think that people are out to get him by nature and in many cases he is right right now I don't think that Muller actually has them in the crosshairs I'll explain why in a second I actually don't think the Mueller is is going to be able to make a case against President Trump I think the worst-case scenario for president Trump is this ends up looking a lot like a Ron contra or the guy at the top is basically wet off the hook and some underlings go go down but with all of that Trump could be convinced to fire Robert Mueller and really create a political firestorm for himself by people whispering into his ear that everyone is out to get him I'm gonna explain all of that in just a second plus what Tony Podesta and Hillary Clinton and everybody else have to do with this why is DC so darn corrupt I'll explain in just a second first I want to say thank you to our sponsors over at the u.s. ECA so you would do whatever it takes to protect their family somebody try to break in your house in the middle of the night you go to your gun safe you take out your shotgun and if somebody tried to break in you would blow them away but owning a gun for protection should not be intimidating overwhelming or confusing even in light of the fact that one mistake could land you with a mountain of legal fees a lifetime behind bars bars are worse it's you're right tonig on its your right to use it properly that's why I work with the US ECA to give my listeners they're complete concealed carry and family defense Guide 100% free it is 164 pages of life-saving information you can't find anywhere else they'll help you understand confusing gun laws responsibly owned and store a gun particularly if you have small kids trained for real-life scenarios survive the murky waters of the legal system and a lot more go to defend my family now calm right now to begin your simple rewarding journey to concealed carry and home defense confidence and right now you'll also get the complete audio version and bonus home defense checklist 100% free go to defend my family now calm again let's defend my family now come for free instant access to fend my family now calm gives you the information that you need to protect and defend your family so to recap in very brief terms yesterday's news there are basically two big pieces of news first was Trump former campaign chair Paul Manafort was in charge of the campaign for something like five months Paul Manafort was indicted on 12 counts virtually all of them had nothing to do while all of them had nothing to do with Trump and the vast majority of them had nothing to do with even the period in which mana fort was working for Trump and the White House essentially said as much for Sarah Huckabee Sanders saying that yesterday but look today's announcement has nothing to do with the president has nothing to do with the president's campaign or campaign activity the real collusion scandal as we've said several times before has everything to do with the Clinton campaign Fusion GPS and Russia and she of course is is at least partially correct the idea the only scandal here is fusion GPS and Russia is not true okay the fact is that there is some other material to Donald Trump jr. letters the George papadopolis stuff that it's troubling so the Trump campaign in nature the Trump White House more specifically is doing what they're supposed to do right they're saying George papadopolis was a low-level staffer who had nothing to do with anything he's really not in charge of anything in the campaign and and so they're now minimizing his presence in the campaign just as they did with Carter Paige who's also a foreign policy adviser with connections to the Russians it was extremely limited it was a volunteer position and again no activity was ever done in an official capacity on behalf of the campaign and never been what about the outreach to these making the campaign officials to try to put together this you mean that the outreach that was repeatedly denied and we're not gonna take any action on that how can you describe Papadopoulos as having a limited role when there's a there's a photograph of mr. Papadopoulos sitting at a table with millions of people so okay and she's not wrong about this again the idea that Trump was sitting there trying to direct from the top George papadopolis seems kind of ridiculous here's the problem with regard to Papadopoulos so basically to recap Papadopoulos was making some sort of entrees to the professor right not the guy from Gilligan's Island a professor who is located in London who apparently had connections with the Russian government and was trying to fix up the Trump campaign with the Russians and Papadopoulos is trying to make this happen the Russians also told him they had access to thousands of Hillary emails or thousands of emails more specifically and they said also that they had dirt on Hillary Clinton Papadopoulos apparently tried to pass this up the chain and this was shut down it's now coming out that some of the people he talked to included Paul Manafort he was basically he was gonna be indicted on charges of lying to the FBI about the extent to which he had been working with the Trump campaign while he was making these connections and instead he pled guilty in order so that he could basically get out of it there's there's some rumors today the Papadopoulos may have been wearing the wire the federal government turned him and that the he was wearing a wire and in context of all the the other Trump officials we're gonna have to find that out but having read the Papadopoulos statement of the offense I can say with certainty that there is nothing in there that is significantly more damning for example then that Donald Trump jr. letters that Trump jr. released himself on Twitter where he basically said that he was willing to hear the Russians had about hurt on Hillary and again Huckabee Sanders and the rest of the Trump team they're not wrong to say that Hillary Clinton was willing to do the same thing in that fusion GPS dossier so in the end I don't think any of this really touches Trump I don't think this reaches all the way to the top Manta force lawyers is saying also there's no there's no evidence of collusion and he's right I mean the indictment doesn't contain any evidence of collusion between Manta fort and the Russians with regards of the campaign specifically there's no evidence that mr. Madoff or or the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government mr. Madoff or represented pro-european Union campaigns for the Ukrainian and in that he was seeking to further democracy and to help the Ukraine come closer to the United States and the EU okay so you know again I think there's a bit of a of a benevolent spin on what manna fort was doing but the evidence simply is not there Trump's own lawyer Rhett Jay Sekulow he's saying that Trump is not interested in firing Mueller the only thing that can damage Trump in my opinion here the only thing that will really hurt him is if he fires Mueller there are two things that Trump can do that will start a political firestorm in the midst of all of this one of them I think would be justifiable one I think would be unjustifiable the thing that he could do that would be justifiable is to tell his attorney general to open up a Special Counsel investigation into Hillary Clinton infusion GPS to see if there was actual collusion taking place now Eli Lake has a really good piece over a Bloomberg view and when she talks about the fact that because Hillary basically used lawyers as go-betweens and shows both plausible deniability as well as a chain of payment and it wasn't like a gift from the Russian government because of that there may not be any laws violated but certainly an investigation would be a worthwhile thing Trump could do that it would start a firestorm it look like he's trying to misdirect from the Mueller episode I'm not sure to be politically smart even though it revved his base up for sure on the other hand when he could do that could really hurt him his firing Mueller if he fires Mueller based on suspicion that Mueller is gonna do something it will look more like a cover-up than like a legitimate exercise of presidential power even though he does have the power as president of the United States to fire the special counsel the Independent Counsel law expired in the late 90s that was the law that allowed Kenneth Starr to basically operate free of being fired by President Clinton both parties said this is no good we can't have independent counsels who are running around willy-nilly doing whatever they want without being subject to being fired by either Congress or the executive branch so they let that law expire now special counsels can be fired by the president but if Trump would have fired the special counsel and if you were to do so on the basis that the special counsel was looking at his family finances for example which he said he doesn't want Mueller to do or if he were to fire Mueller on the basis that Mueller is is going too far into his investigations of Trump personally it would look like a coverup and it would create a not a constitutional crisis because it would be constitutional but would create a political crisis for Trump you create the appearance that he's firing Mueller in order to avoid being being convicted of something right now in order to be avoid being investigated or it protects his family members and there are people encouraging him to do this so Trump's lawyer Jay Sekulow is doing the right thing here he's saying I don't think Trump is gonna fire me learn he has no intention of doing so no I do know in fact yeah I saw a couple people talking about that this morning and and the answer to that is no the president has not is not interfering with the special counsel Mahler's position he's not firing the special counsel he said that before there's no the fact that I don't think that anybody is surprised that an indictment came down today or that there was this play because we expected this indictment I mean I think I've been on your broadcast talking about this a couple months back okay now all of that Lee says there is exactly correct John Kelly Trump's chief of staff he says the same thing he says let the indictments work let's see where the legal system works and let the system do what it's supposed to do all of the activities as I understand it that they were indicted for was long before they ever met Donald Trump or or had any association with the campaign but I think the reaction of the administration is let the legal justice system work everyone's innocent until resumed innocent and we'll see where it goes okay and that exactly would be the right thing to do right you should just let this thing roll out unfortunately I think that there are forces on the left and forces on the right that are basically trying to troll Trump into firing Mueller because once he fires Mueller then there is going to be an accusation that he fired him for the same reason that he's supposedly fired call me because was getting too close now as I said all along I think the real reason that Trump fired Comey is he wanted to Comey to come out publicly and exonerate Trump Comey wasn't willing to do that because Comey said if I exonerate you now and then you come under investigation later then I'm gonna have to say so and Trump didn't like that so he fired call me well the same thing could easily happen with Mueller where he goes to Mueller and says listen I want you to exonerate me and Mueller says well I can't yet and Trump says you're fired if that happens it will look like a cover-up of epic proportions and it will lead the Democrats not only to try and impeach him if they gain control of the house in 2018 but we'll put Republicans in a tough spot too these will look a lot more like the Saturday night massacre under Richard Nixon then it'll look like him just firing somebody who deserves to be fired as I say they're people on both right and left or trying to troll him into this Steve Bannon apparently is trying to troll Trump into firing Robert Mueller that's because Bannon has more balls than brains I'll explain that in just a second but first I want to say thank you to our sponsors over at stamps comso stamps you know our the the only way that you can send your mail but you don't want to wait in line at the post office well I don't like waiting in line at the post office because I don't like 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they understand the easiest way to earn Trump's respect and his good grace is to suggest a Trump that he has ultimate power right like Jafar at the end of of Aladdin the ultimate power in the universe itty-bitty living space the problem is that you know people like Bannon who are telling Trump obstruct Muller don't give him any documents try to stop him because he's out of control you do that it's gonna come out it's gonna look like you're trying to obstruct and then you have a political problem on your hands whereas you just say listen my doors are wide open I have nothing to hide it makes it very difficult for the left to claim that this Trump Russia collusion stuff is a reality folks on the left are desperately hoping against hope that Muller has the evidence to go against Trump but again I don't think he does you know Laura Ingraham said this last night she said that if Muller had anything on Trump he would hit with that first I think that that may or may not be true but I don't see based on the manna for indictment unless it's just an attempt to get manna for it to flip how this reflects on Trump I have always thought that if if there was any sort of collusion inside the Trump campaign it wasn't because Trump was sitting atop the campaign directing it is because trumpet said I wanted to be close to the Russians I liked Putin I hate Hillary and so some low-level staffer says okay he doesn't like he likes Putin he doesn't like Hillary what if we just go to Putin and help from take out Hillary it seems to me that this could very easily be a case of Henry the second well no one rid me of this meddlesome priest and and that would be the easiest answer here but that would not necessarily be the actually that that wouldn't actually be Trump directing this from above again I think both the right and the left though are trying to kind of push Trump into using that gun that's over the mantelpiece you know there's this old rule in drama it's a is a rule from check off the player I check off that when you put a gun over the mantelpiece in the first act it must be used by the end of the second act well the gun over the mantelpiece is firing Mueller and I have a feeling that Trump is going to be tempted to do it just because that's what Trump has been tempted again the only audacious movies made as president really is firing Comey which blew back on him which should be a good example not to do this leon panetta obviously a matter of left he says that more indictments are coming again democrats are gonna keep saying this and keep saying this hoping they can't rip trump into firing Mueller's that then they can go after him on that basis as opposed to the actual underlying supposed crime what these indictments may indicate is that as a result of it there will be other trails of evidence that will be followed by bob muller and i think there's probably a very good bet that additional indictments will be forthcoming and could involve members of both parties okay well I think that that last point is the really important one okay the person one of the people who who was basically called on the carpet or is going to be called on the carpet is Tony Podesta Tony Podesta is the brother of John Podesta very very close to the Clintons the Podesta group was founded by the Podesta brothers to lobbying group inside Washington DC they worked very closely with Paul Manafort in his sort of pro-ukrainian dealings from 2006 to 2014 and in doing so Podesta got himself into some hot water the same day that the man afford indictment came down Tony Podesta has now resigned from the Podesta group he's resigned because he's got to imagine that something is coming down the pike for him well this should tempt Trump to basically hold his fire because of people from both sides get indicted it's gonna look like what it is this is the swamp it's not gonna look like Trump it's gonna look like the swamp Trump's best move here is to hold his fire unfortunately Steve ban and being more balls than brains is telling him not to do that ban and apparently according to The Daily Beast spoke on the phone with Trump on Monday offered a message get yourself some new lawyers now listen I know Bannon pretty well I was on a phone call with him twice a day for an hour a day for an hour a ca

To watch the full show live, become a premium subscriber. Join the team! https://www.dailywire.com/subscribeI'm Keith Olbermann and this is the resistance yesterday we received a magnificent present a present so large so impressive so monumental as to boggle the mind and set the heart aflutter yes my friends we are well on our way to seeing the usurper Trump brought low to seeing the restoration of this Republic to seeing I think the greatest collapse of our lifetime because you see Special Counsel Robert Mueller has uncovered a scandal the likes of which make Watergate seem like child's play this evidence shows that Donald J Trump is more dangerous than Hitler more dangerous than Stalin more dangerous than that mobile pet spud somehow used the wrong shampoo on my cat fluffy leaving her less cuddly than usual and reducing me to a quivering ball of humanity lying prone in my home tears and urine now you may say that Mueller's indictment of Paul Manafort Trump's former campaign manager says nothing about Trump or his campaign but you do not have the depth of intellect that earned me entrance to the prestigious Cornell College of Agriculture and life sciences you do not have the nuance to understand that Mueller just put the final nail into Trump's political grave no one does no one did it ESPN no one did at MSNBC no one did it Fox sports nut no one did it espn2 no one did it Current TV it took me a lifetime to find the political geniuses at GQ but they understand me and love me as I deserve to be loved as I deserve to be loved Donald J Trump you sir are a liar you sir are a buffoon you sir are the kind of human being for whom decency means nothing and for whom the world is merely a whorehouse of refuse and trash that somehow turns me on and yet simultaneously repulses me suffice it to say Donald J Trump is on his way out to the big house to the slammer to the hoosegow to the calaboose to the pokey to sing-sing and Robert Mueller with my help and God's will will put him there if you wish to purchase my new book Keith is effing crazy this is not a joke go on over to Amazon now I know there some criticizing me for mocking Tommy Lehren I said the Tommy Lehren misused the flag and some look at my book cover and say well Keith you also misuse the flag I am the flag the flag me the same amazing resist remove peace i'm ben shapiro this is the ben shapiro show ok so i couldn't all get through i think through that whole thing without laughing sorry about that folks but there is your keith olbermann impersonation for a halloween hope you enjoyed it as much as i did writing it and reading it probably not but tough it's my show so we have a lot to get to today we are going to be discussing the fallout from the amana ford indictment and from the george papadapolis capitalist in indictment and he actually made a plea bargain i'm gonna talk about whether Trump is gonna be tempted into firing Robert Mueller the special counsel I think that would be a very large mistake we're gonna get to all of that plus I want to talk a little bit at length about this insane ad that I mentioned yesterday from a Latino victory caucus in Virginia against Ed Gillespie the Republican candidate for Virginia governor but first I want to say thank you to our sponsors over at bull and branch so one of the things that you actually should spend some money on is the is the sheet set that you use to sleep because you're going to spend in an ordinate number of hours tonight trying to sleep and tossing and turning around in those uncomfortable old bed sheets that's where Boleyn branch comes in bull and branch makes the most affordable and high quality sheets that you can buy they are made from 100% organic cotton that means bull and bran sheets not only feel incredible they also look amazing and they sell exclusively on lines that means you're not paying the expensive retail markup half the price for twice the quality you will love the sheets try them for full enough for 30 nights and see for yourself how much you like them if you don't like them then you can always return them for a full refund so it's a risk-free proposition go to bull and branch calm today you'll get $50 off your first set of sheets plus free shipping when you use promo code Ben again these sheets are so good that I will not buy any other type of sheets acceptable and branch from my own family as $50 off plus free shipping right now at bull and branch calm that's bol el and branch calm promo code Bennigan's bull and branch calm promo code Ben okay so I actually want to star today with the ad that I talked briefly about yesterday from the Latino victory caucus in Virginia and for those who missed it I want to play it because this is I think the worst political ad I have ever seen in my life I mean I think this makes the Daisy ad the famous days yet from 1964 where LBJ essentially accused Barry Goldwater of wanting to get the United States Newt it makes that ad look like nothing I mean this is really an egregious ad so for those who can't see you're about to see a bunch of minority children who are who are running away from a truck that has on it a confederate flag they don't tread on me license plate and an Ed Gillespie bumper sticker because the truck is going to run them over because it's a white supremacist seeking to kill minority children [Music] [Music] so Latino kid stops and then he sees an asian kid and then both of them start running because here comes that truck again ed gillespie bumper sticker on it every racially diverse child in Virginia is on this block and here they've been running away from the from the truck and oh no they've run into a dead end the truck suddenly it's night and the headlights come up and all the kids wake up from their terrible dream is this what Donald Trump and Ed Gillespie meet and then it's a picture of the people of the parents watching the Charlottesville hate rally and says reject hate vote November reject hate vote November 7th and paid for a Latino victory fund it's not authorized by the candidate but obviously the candidate did not condemn it the reason that I'm playing this ad again is because it really does speak to the insanity that has now engulfed huge parts of the left you know the great conflicts in American history have largely been driven not just by political differences but by the feeling that those political differences are not are not where we are unable to overcome those political differences that we hate each other right there the actual hate in this ad is not from Ed Gillespie right the actual hate in this ad is from this Latino victory fund it's from the campaign for Ralph Northam who actually you know if he didn't give the go-ahead to the ad which would've been illegal he obviously hasn't condemned the ad and there was another mailer that actually went out from the northern campaign endorsed by the northern campaign linking again Ed Gillespie to what happened in Charlottesville Virginia it's really pretty horrific stuff when when I read Federalist one yesterday and I talked about how Alexander Hamilton had specifically cited the idea that in politics you have to assume the best intentions on the part of your opponent if you want to convince them we're no longer in the age of convincing we're now in the age of getting out your base and I think that that's a political truism I think that people missed that in 2012 but in 2016 I think people got that that it was all about getting out the base no more was it no one was trying to appeal to the median voter now it's just about getting out the people who already like you and the best way to get them out is to essentially say that your opponent is evil and horrible and nasty and terrible but if you do this too much if you rely on this tactic too much you actually end up telling Americans that the people that they live with in their same community are evil horrible nasty brutish people and if you do that it's very hard to put the country back together again because I can have conversations with people with whom I disagree I do it all the time for a living I do it all the time casually I live in LA I mean this stuff happens but I don't actually think the people I live with in LA and the individuals with whom I speak are nasty horrible people I think they may believe bad things that are bad but I don't believe they're nasty evil people this ad essentially suggests that people who disagree with you are nasty evil people again it falls into the intersectional politics you want you want an example of intersectional politics at its finest this is the example of intersectional politics at its finest right this idea that you're gonna have all of these various minority groups and they're all running away from the evil white majority that is chasing them down on streets it's it's really a horrific ad and that's not the only evidence that we have of that over the last 24 hours Elliot Hamilton reporter for Daily wire he got ahold of an email that was issued by a woman apparently named Madeline leader she is the head of data services for the technology department at the DNC and she wrote this letter she was trying to search people out for four jobs she said a bit more than just the messenger here but we in the technology department here at the DNC are looking to hire for the following positions and then she lists a bunch of positions then she says as you may have heard we are rebuilding the technology team into a robust well-oiled machine that can tackle all elections from the presidential down to dog catcher and school board what's more important is that we are focused on hiring and maintaining a staff of diverse voices and life experiences something that we desperately need if we hope to secure the future of our countries and they're not just trying to hire a data science lead or a full stack engineer or a product designer they're trying to hire a staff of diverse voices and life experiences because you know when your computer crashes what you really need is somebody coming in and explaining to you how they grew up poor in in an inner city that's that's really really important I know in my computer crashes the first thing I do when I call our IT guy is I say to him please tell me the story of your life and how you're diverse experiences have led you to the point where you can fix my mac no that's not how any of this works but that's how I'm the bad part here's what the email apparently says according madellaine leader again the data the the Democratic National Committee data service manager who gave in no comments daily wire when we asked her about it she said please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and feel free to for it on to your contacts I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender straight white males since they're already in the majority she says straight out in the email that she doesn't want this email forwarded to people who happen to be straight and white because they're already in the majority it's that same sort of intersectional logic that leads to the idea that we can gauge your value as a human being we can gauge your worthiness in the workplace by your color by your life experiences as opposed to by the quality of work you do or by the kind of activity in which you take place again the slander in that Latino victory ad the slander that everyone implies a confederate flag is trying to run down black children which is insane I mean they're legitimately hundreds of thousands of Americans we're not doing that and have Confederate flags the idea that everyone is voting for Ed Gillespie size with the charlottesville hate protesters the idea that anyone who has it don't tread on me on the front of their car that that person is trying to run down some poor Muslim child on the streets of Alexandria it's just insane but again it comes from the same intersectional place that this white majority is inevitably imbued with a nasty horrible racism that cannot be fixed and as long as we think that as long as the left keeps doing that they're gonna get pushback from the other side right that Trump was a symptom of this you want to know one of the reasons why Trump won one of the reasons why Trump won is because Americans got sick and tired of being told that they were the types of people who are trying to drive people down and Hillary's deplorable lines was the worst thing she could have said during that campaign because when she said deplorable she may have been referring to the all right but instead she paints it with a broad brush said half of all Trump supporters were members of the all right that of course was untrue well what this leads to is a is a an insane amount of doubt in our institutions because we no longer trust the institution's we no longer trust the people who staff our institutions now we look at the motivations of the people who staff our institutions and we say are these people well motivated or not or is everything a partisan battle and that's why I think what happens in the in the mana Ford indictment or the Papadopoulos situation all of that is gonna have bearing on how Trump thinks Trump is an oppositional thinker he tends to think that people are out to get him by nature and in many cases he is right right now I don't think that Muller actually has them in the crosshairs I'll explain why in a second I actually don't think the Mueller is is going to be able to make a case against President Trump I think the worst-case scenario for president Trump is this ends up looking a lot like a Ron contra or the guy at the top is basically wet off the hook and some underlings go go down but with all of that Trump could be convinced to fire Robert Mueller and really create a political firestorm for himself by people whispering into his ear that everyone is out to get him I'm gonna explain all of that in just a second plus what Tony Podesta and Hillary Clinton and everybody else have to do with this why is DC so darn corrupt I'll explain in just a second first I want to say thank you to our sponsors over at the u.s. ECA so you would do whatever it takes to protect their family somebody try to break in your house in the middle of the night you go to your gun safe you take out your shotgun and if somebody tried to break in you would blow them away but owning a gun for protection should not be intimidating overwhelming or confusing even in light of the fact that one mistake could land you with a mountain of legal fees a lifetime behind bars bars are worse it's you're right tonig on its your right to use it properly that's why I work with the US ECA to give my listeners they're complete concealed carry and family defense Guide 100% free it is 164 pages of life-saving information you can't find anywhere else they'll help you understand confusing gun laws responsibly owned and store a gun particularly if you have small kids trained for real-life scenarios survive the murky waters of the legal system and a lot more go to defend my family now calm right now to begin your simple rewarding journey to concealed carry and home defense confidence and right now you'll also get the complete audio version and bonus home defense checklist 100% free go to defend my family now calm again let's defend my family now come for free instant access to fend my family now calm gives you the information that you need to protect and defend your family so to recap in very brief terms yesterday's news there are basically two big pieces of news first was Trump former campaign chair Paul Manafort was in charge of the campaign for something like five months Paul Manafort was indicted on 12 counts virtually all of them had nothing to do while all of them had nothing to do with Trump and the vast majority of them had nothing to do with even the period in which mana fort was working for Trump and the White House essentially said as much for Sarah Huckabee Sanders saying that yesterday but look today's announcement has nothing to do with the president has nothing to do with the president's campaign or campaign activity the real collusion scandal as we've said several times before has everything to do with the Clinton campaign Fusion GPS and Russia and she of course is is at least partially correct the idea the only scandal here is fusion GPS and Russia is not true okay the fact is that there is some other material to Donald Trump jr. letters the George papadopolis stuff that it's troubling so the Trump campaign in nature the Trump White House more specifically is doing what they're supposed to do right they're saying George papadopolis was a low-level staffer who had nothing to do with anything he's really not in charge of anything in the campaign and and so they're now minimizing his presence in the campaign just as they did with Carter Paige who's also a foreign policy adviser with connections to the Russians it was extremely limited it was a volunteer position and again no activity was ever done in an official capacity on behalf of the campaign and never been what about the outreach to these making the campaign officials to try to put together this you mean that the outreach that was repeatedly denied and we're not gonna take any action on that how can you describe Papadopoulos as having a limited role when there's a there's a photograph of mr. Papadopoulos sitting at a table with millions of people so okay and she's not wrong about this again the idea that Trump was sitting there trying to direct from the top George papadopolis seems kind of ridiculous here's the problem with regard to Papadopoulos so basically to recap Papadopoulos was making some sort of entrees to the professor right not the guy from Gilligan's Island a professor who is located in London who apparently had connections with the Russian government and was trying to fix up the Trump campaign with the Russians and Papadopoulos is trying to make this happen the Russians also told him they had access to thousands of Hillary emails or thousands of emails more specifically and they said also that they had dirt on Hillary Clinton Papadopoulos apparently tried to pass this up the chain and this was shut down it's now coming out that some of the people he talked to included Paul Manafort he was basically he was gonna be indicted on charges of lying to the FBI about the extent to which he had been working with the Trump campaign while he was making these connections and instead he pled guilty in order so that he could basically get out of it there's there's some rumors today the Papadopoulos may have been wearing the wire the federal government turned him and that the he was wearing a wire and in context of all the the other Trump officials we're gonna have to find that out but having read the Papadopoulos statement of the offense I can say with certainty that there is nothing in there that is significantly more damning for example then that Donald Trump jr. letters that Trump jr. released himself on Twitter where he basically said that he was willing to hear the Russians had about hurt on Hillary and again Huckabee Sanders and the rest of the Trump team they're not wrong to say that Hillary Clinton was willing to do the same thing in that fusion GPS dossier so in the end I don't think any of this really touches Trump I don't think this reaches all the way to the top Manta force lawyers is saying also there's no there's no evidence of collusion and he's right I mean the indictment doesn't contain any evidence of collusion between Manta fort and the Russians with regards of the campaign specifically there's no evidence that mr. Madoff or or the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government mr. Madoff or represented pro-european Union campaigns for the Ukrainian and in that he was seeking to further democracy and to help the Ukraine come closer to the United States and the EU okay so you know again I think there's a bit of a of a benevolent spin on what manna fort was doing but the evidence simply is not there Trump's own lawyer Rhett Jay Sekulow he's saying that Trump is not interested in firing Mueller the only thing that can damage Trump in my opinion here the only thing that will really hurt him is if he fires Mueller there are two things that Trump can do that will start a political firestorm in the midst of all of this one of them I think would be justifiable one I think would be unjustifiable the thing that he could do that would be justifiable is to tell his attorney general to open up a Special Counsel investigation into Hillary Clinton infusion GPS to see if there was actual collusion taking place now Eli Lake has a really good piece over a Bloomberg view and when she talks about the fact that because Hillary basically used lawyers as go-betweens and shows both plausible deniability as well as a chain of payment and it wasn't like a gift from the Russian government because of that there may not be any laws violated but certainly an investigation would be a worthwhile thing Trump could do that it would start a firestorm it look like he's trying to misdirect from the Mueller episode I'm not sure to be politically smart even though it revved his base up for sure on the other hand when he could do that could really hurt him his firing Mueller if he fires Mueller based on suspicion that Mueller is gonna do something it will look more like a cover-up than like a legitimate exercise of presidential power even though he does have the power as president of the United States to fire the special counsel the Independent Counsel law expired in the late 90s that was the law that allowed Kenneth Starr to basically operate free of being fired by President Clinton both parties said this is no good we can't have independent counsels who are running around willy-nilly doing whatever they want without being subject to being fired by either Congress or the executive branch so they let that law expire now special counsels can be fired by the president but if Trump would have fired the special counsel and if you were to do so on the basis that the special counsel was looking at his family finances for example which he said he doesn't want Mueller to do or if he were to fire Mueller on the basis that Mueller is is going too far into his investigations of Trump personally it would look like a coverup and it would create a not a constitutional crisis because it would be constitutional but would create a political crisis for Trump you create the appearance that he's firing Mueller in order to avoid being being convicted of something right now in order to be avoid being investigated or it protects his family members and there are people encouraging him to do this so Trump's lawyer Jay Sekulow is doing the right thing here he's saying I don't think Trump is gonna fire me learn he has no intention of doing so no I do know in fact yeah I saw a couple people talking about that this morning and and the answer to that is no the president has not is not interfering with the special counsel Mahler's position he's not firing the special counsel he said that before there's no the fact that I don't think that anybody is surprised that an indictment came down today or that there was this play because we expected this indictment I mean I think I've been on your broadcast talking about this a couple months back okay now all of that Lee says there is exactly correct John Kelly Trump's chief of staff he says the same thing he says let the indictments work let's see where the legal system works and let the system do what it's supposed to do all of the activities as I understand it that they were indicted for was long before they ever met Donald Trump or or had any association with the campaign but I think the reaction of the administration is let the legal justice system work everyone's innocent until resumed innocent and we'll see where it goes okay and that exactly would be the right thing to do right you should just let this thing roll out unfortunately I think that there are forces on the left and forces on the right that are basically trying to troll Trump into firing Mueller because once he fires Mueller then there is going to be an accusation that he fired him for the same reason that he's supposedly fired call me because was getting too close now as I said all along I think the real reason that Trump fired Comey is he wanted to Comey to come out publicly and exonerate Trump Comey wasn't willing to do that because Comey said if I exonerate you now and then you come under investigation later then I'm gonna have to say so and Trump didn't like that so he fired call me well the same thing could easily happen with Mueller where he goes to Mueller and says listen I want you to exonerate me and Mueller says well I can't yet and Trump says you're fired if that happens it will look like a cover-up of epic proportions and it will lead the Democrats not only to try and impeach him if they gain control of the house in 2018 but we'll put Republicans in a tough spot too these will look a lot more like the Saturday night massacre under Richard Nixon then it'll look like him just firing somebody who deserves to be fired as I say they're people on both right and left or trying to troll him into this Steve Bannon apparently is trying to troll Trump into firing Robert Mueller that's because Bannon has more balls than brains I'll explain that in just a second but first I want to say thank you to our sponsors over at stamps comso stamps you know our the the only way that you can send your mail but you don't want to wait in line at the post office well I don't like waiting in line at the post office because I don't like 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they understand the easiest way to earn Trump's respect and his good grace is to suggest a Trump that he has ultimate power right like Jafar at the end of of Aladdin the ultimate power in the universe itty-bitty living space the problem is that you know people like Bannon who are telling Trump obstruct Muller don't give him any documents try to stop him because he's out of control you do that it's gonna come out it's gonna look like you're trying to obstruct and then you have a political problem on your hands whereas you just say listen my doors are wide open I have nothing to hide it makes it very difficult for the left to claim that this Trump Russia collusion stuff is a reality folks on the left are desperately hoping against hope that Muller has the evidence to go against Trump but again I don't think he does you know Laura Ingraham said this last night she said that if Muller had anything on Trump he would hit with that first I think that that may or may not be true but I don't see based on the manna for indictment unless it's just an attempt to get manna for it to flip how this reflects on Trump I have always thought that if if there was any sort of collusion inside the Trump campaign it wasn't because Trump was sitting atop the campaign directing it is because trumpet said I wanted to be close to the Russians I liked Putin I hate Hillary and so some low-level staffer says okay he doesn't like he likes Putin he doesn't like Hillary what if we just go to Putin and help from take out Hillary it seems to me that this could very easily be a case of Henry the second well no one rid me of this meddlesome priest and and that would be the easiest answer here but that would not necessarily be the actually that that wouldn't actually be Trump directing this from above again I think both the right and the left though are trying to kind of push Trump into using that gun that's over the mantelpiece you know there's this old rule in drama it's a is a rule from check off the player I check off that when you put a gun over the mantelpiece in the first act it must be used by the end of the second act well the gun over the mantelpiece is firing Mueller and I have a feeling that Trump is going to be tempted to do it just because that's what Trump has been tempted again the only audacious movies made as president really is firing Comey which blew back on him which should be a good example not to do this leon panetta obviously a matter of left he says that more indictments are coming again democrats are gonna keep saying this and keep saying this hoping they can't rip trump into firing Mueller's that then they can go after him on that basis as opposed to the actual underlying supposed crime what these indictments may indicate is that as a result of it there will be other trails of evidence that will be followed by bob muller and i think there's probably a very good bet that additional indictments will be forthcoming and could involve members of both parties okay well I think that that last point is the really important one okay the person one of the people who who was basically called on the carpet or is going to be called on the carpet is Tony Podesta Tony Podesta is the brother of John Podesta very very close to the Clintons the Podesta group was founded by the Podesta brothers to lobbying group inside Washington DC they worked very closely with Paul Manafort in his sort of pro-ukrainian dealings from 2006 to 2014 and in doing so Podesta got himself into some hot water the same day that the man afford indictment came down Tony Podesta has now resigned from the Podesta group he's resigned because he's got to imagine that something is coming down the pike for him well this should tempt Trump to basically hold his fire because of people from both sides get indicted it's gonna look like what it is this is the swamp it's not gonna look like Trump it's gonna look like the swamp Trump's best move here is to hold his fire unfortunately Steve ban and being more balls than brains is telling him not to do that ban and apparently according to The Daily Beast spoke on the phone with Trump on Monday offered a message get yourself some new lawyers now listen I know Bannon pretty well I was on a phone call with him twice a day for an hour a day for an hour a ca

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