Ugh, a Comedy War: "Get Smart" Vs. "The Love Guru"Full review >>
As a fan of both Mike Myers and Maxwell Smart, I had this weekend down as one of the summer’s highlights. But it turns out that both “The Love Guru” and “Get Smart” are embarrassments. I’d say “Love Guru” was marginally less awful, if only because there’s a certain impish imagination behind Mike Myers even when he’s doing really tiresome material as he does here. In “The Love Guru,” Myers’ titular swami, a Hollywood spiritual counselor (Jessica Simpson and a puffy Val Kilmer, who does not otherwise appear overly employed, check in as themselves) hired to help a struggling hockey player (Romany Malco) get over his wife, who has been stolen by the hugely-endowed French Canadian goalie Jacques “Le Coq”...
Proper Review
Jun 17th 2008