Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | The movie has strong messages about triumphing over the odds and facing challenges with courage. Aron works hard to solve his problem, keeping his head and trying not to panic or give up. |
Role model | The movie presents Aron as a brave survivor and a hero, someone who faced incredible odds and won. He's not flawless; he swears a lot, and flashbacks show him in sexual situations and drinking, plus he probably could have avoided his situation entirely if he had been more responsible. But this event was a life-changer, and it clearly woke him up. During part of the movie, he engages in extreme survival techniques that may disturb some viewers, such as drinking urine. |
Violence | Intense, gruesome self-inflicted violence; some reports say that audience members have passed out as a result of watching it. In the worst of it, Aron tries to saw through his own arm, which requires him to slice through flesh (blood is shown), snap the bone, and sever what looks like a nerve; the movie uses blasts of shrieking noise on the soundtrack to illustrate the pain. Close-ups and X-ray shots of the arm are seen. In an earlier, more carefree moment, Aron wipes out on his bike. |
Sex | Flashbacks show Aron with a former girlfriend. They're seen under a blanket, possibly naked, presumably after sex. There's innuendo and sex talk. A carload of teens performs a "freeze-out," i.e. taking off all their clothes and rolling down the windows of a moving car on a cold night (very little actual nudity is shown). Aron goes swimming with two pretty girls; he later watches his video of the swim, with lust/desire implied. |
Language | Many uses of "f--k" and "s--t," plus "crap," "oh my God," and more. |
Consumerism | Gatorade makes a prominent appearance, and when his water runs low, Aron fantasizes about cold drinks -- and viewers see actual TV ads for Sunkist, Coke, and Perrier. Mountain Dew and Scooby-Doo are also mentioned. |
Drugs | Twenty-something characters are seen drinking beer at a party in an imagined flashback, and Aron drinks wine with his girlfriend (in a real flashback). No one is seen over-indulging. |
Dove Rating | |
Faith | None |
Sex | A character thinks of a vehicle filled with girls and they are laughing and drinking and pulling off clothes; he imagines himself in an intimate position with a girl he likes. |
Language | Many uses of the F word in addition to the Lord's name taken in vain and other profanities as well. |
Violence | A man falls off bike; man falls in a canyon and his arm is pinned by a boulder; man uses tourniquet on his arm and eventually, in a graphic scene, cuts it off from his body; a torrent of water pours in on man in one scene. |
Drugs | Some scenes of drinking and a few party scenes. |
Nudity | Girl's bare shoulders are seen; cleavage; shirtless men. |
Other | Man urinates; man goes through range of emotions including anxiety and anger and desperation; ants crawl on man. |
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