A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge
Summary: A teenage boy is haunted in his dreams by deceased child murderer Freddy Krueger, who is out to possess him in order to continue his reign of terror in the real world.
Release Date: November 01, 1985
Genre: Horror
Jack Sholder
Runtime: 1 h 27 min
Movie budget: $ 3,000,000
Domestic: $ 29,999,213
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
abandoned factoryabandoned power plantactor reprises previous rolealarm clockamerican horroranimal in a cageanimal point of view camera shotapologyapplausearcheryarm bandagearm injuryarms tied overheadassumed identityattempted murder of a childawkward situationback from the deadbad dreambad guy winsband aid on facebandaged armbarbarbecuebarking dogbarmanbarred windowbartenderbaseballbaseball coachbaseball gamebaseball teambasementbasketballbikinibiology classbiology teacherbiopunkbirdbird attackbird in a cagebird on firebirdcagebisexualitybite markbiting legbiting someonebloodblood on handsblood splatterbloody facebloody footprintbody countbody horrorboiler roomboiling waterboiling water in a swimming poolbondageboom boxbossinessbossy teacherbowboy in a showerboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbreakfast cerealbreakfast tablebreaking a mirrorbreaking a windowbreaking through a doorbroken doorbroken fish tankbroken mirrorbroken windowbrother sister relationshipbrutalityburnburn scarburned aliveburned faceburned handburning oneselfbusbus driverbus over cliffbus stopbutcherycabinetcabrioletcafeteriacamera shot of feetcamera shot of mouthcar over a cliffcatwalkcellarcerealchannel surfingcharacter name in titlecharacter's point of view camera shotcharacters murdered one by onechasechild in jeopardychildren's rhymecigarettecigarette smokingclassmate classmate relationshipclassroomclawclawscleaning one's roomclimbing a ladderclimbing up a ladderclose up of mouthcloseted gayclothes ripped offclothes torn offcoachconvertiblecookoutcoors beercovered in bloodcovering one's mouthcracked mirrorcreaturecriminalcrotch grabcrotch grabbingcryingcrying for helpcrying malecrying mancult classiccult filmcut armcut to deathcutting someonedamsel in distressdance scenedarknessday for nightdead birddead bodydeathdeath of frienddeath of sondemondemonic possessiondesertdiarydisbeliefdisfigured mandisfigurementdogdog monsterdomineering fatherdomineering husbanddownpourdragging a bodydragging someonedreamdream scenedream sequencedrinking beerdrinking coffeedrive in classicdriverdriving off roadelectronic music scoreelm streetescapeescape attemptescape by the windowescape out a windowevilevil incarnateevil manevil spiritexploding animalexploding bodyexposed brainf wordface slapfacial disfigurementfacial injuryfacial scarfalling asleep in classfalse accusationfamily relationshipsfather daughter relationshipfather son relationshipfearfeet on tablefemale voyeurfightfirefish tankfoot chasefoot on facefoot placed on someone's facefootballfreddy krueger characterfreudianfriendfriendshipfull moonfurnacegarden partygash in the facegaygay bargay charactergay subtextgay teacherghostghoulglovegoregothicgrabbing one's crotchgraphic violencegrillgrindhouse filmgroundedguard doggymgym classgym coachgym teacherhairy chested manhallucinationhand bandagehand injuryhand through chesthaunted househead rippinghearing voicesheathellhell on earthhigh schoolhigh school coachhigh school studenthigh temperaturehijacked bushijackinghijacking a bushit on the headhit on the head with a ballhit on the head with a baseballhomicidal maniachomosexualhorror b moviehorror iconhusband wife relationshipidentityidentity crisisillusionimpalementimplied homosexualityinner struggleinsane maninsomniainsomniacintrovertintroverted boyinvisibilityinvisible manjoggingjump ropejumping into a swimming pooljumping into waterjumping ropekicked in the facekicked in the headkidnapped boykidnapped girlkidnapped mankidnapped womankidnappingkilled in a showerkiller on the loosekilling an animalkissknifeleather barleg bandageleg injurylegendlgbt horrorlifted by the throatlifting a male into the airlifting someone into the airlightninglistening to musiclittle girllocked doorlocked inlocked in a buslocked in a carlocker roomlocking a doorlong tonguelooking at oneself in a mirrorlosing one's mindloss of friendloss of sonlovelying on the floormaking outmale antagonistmale bondagemale female fightmale name in titlemale nuditymale objectificationmale protagonistmale star appears shirtlessmale villainmalicemalicious manmalicious teacherman in a showerman on fireman reads a newspaperman wears a bathrobeman wears a jockstrapman wears a swimsuitman wears a tank topman wears an open shirtman wears boxer shortsman wears briefsman wears eyeglassesman wears flip flopsman wears only shoesman wears pajamasman wears sandalsman wears shortsman wears sunglassesman wears sweatpantsman wears tighty whitiesman wears underwearman with a mulletman wrapped in a blanketman's clothes ripped offmaniacmass murdermass panicmassacremeltingmelting facemidwestmirror does not reflect realitymistaken belief that one is a killermistaken belief that someone is crazymistaken belief that someone is deadmistaken belief that someone is druggedmonstermonster dogmother daughter relationshipmother son relationshipmousemovingmoving inmultiversemurdermurder in a showermurder of a childmurder of a nude manmurder spreemurder suspectmutilationmysterious deathmysterious eventmysterious noisenaked male bondagenaked man wears shoesname in titleneighbornew boy in townnewspapernewspaper articlenewspaper clippingnewspaper headlinenightmarenightmare becomes realitynipples visible through clothingno endingnude man with shoes onnuditynumbered sequelnursery rhymeobscene finger gestureobscene gestureohioopen endingoutcastovenoverweight manpanicpantsedpantsingparakeetparanoiaparanormal phenomenonparentingpart of franchisepart of seriespartypassive aggressive behaviorpassive aggressive manpatronizingperson on firepet birdphallic symbolismpillsplace in titleplace name in titleplant in titleplaying baseballpoetic justicepolicemanpool housepool partypossessed boypossessed manpossessionpouring rainpower plantpsycho murdererpsycho terrorpsychokinesispsychopathpsychopathic murdererpsychotronic filmpublic nuditypunishmentpush upspushupquestioning one's sanityquestioning sexualityrainrainstormraised middle fingerrampageratraw meatreading a diaryreading a newspaperreading aloudreading aloud from a diaryreading someone's diaryredheadreference to benny goodmanreference to frank zappareference to fu manchureference to jack kerouacreference to jack kerouac's on the roadreference to king cobrareference to limahlreference to on the road the novelreference to stray catsreflection in a mirrorrepeat sequelrepeated eventrevengeriding a bikeripped off clothesrunning barefoots&ms&m clubsadismsadistic coachsadistic gym teachersadistic mansadistic murderersadistic psychopathsadistic teachersadistic violencesadomasochismsatanicsausagescar tissuescarred faceschool busschool bus driverschool gymschoolmate schoolmate relationshipschoolteacherscience teacherscreamscreamingscreaming boyscreaming from sleepscreaming mansecond in seriessecond partsecretly observingself mutilationsequelsequel to cult filmserial child murderserial murderserial teen murdererseriesshapeshiftershapeshiftingshirt liftingshirtless maleshotgunshowershower murdershower roomskin rippingslashed to deathslasherslasher horrorslasher murdererslashingsleep deprivationsleep disordersleeping fully clothedsleeping in an armchairsleeping in classsleeping in underwearsleeping on a chairsleeping shirtlesssleeping with shoes onsleepwalkingslimeslow motion scenesmall townsnakesocial nuditysocial outcastsomnologyspankingsplit personalityspontaneous combustionsports equipmentsprayspringwood ohiospurting bloodstabbed in the backstabbed in the cheststabbed in the shoulderstabbed in the stomachstabbed to deathstabbingstormstreet in titlestuffed animalsubjective camerasunglassessupernatural powersupernatural serial killersurprise endingsurrealismsuspectswimming pooltaking a showertaking off pantstaking off shoestaking off sockstaking off someone's pantstalking to oneselftalking with mouth fulltalking with mouth full of foodteacher bullies a studentteacher patronizes a studentteen angstteen horrorteen sexualityteen slasherteenage boyteenage girlteenage sexualityteenagertelekinesistelephone calltennis balltennis racketterrorthermostatthreatened with a knifethrowing something at someonethunderstormtighty whitiestoastertoaster on firetonguetowel snappingtrampled to deathtransformationtrappedtroubled teentrying to stay awakeundeadunderage drinkingunderwearundressingundressing someoneunpackingunpunished antagonisturban fantasyurban gothicurban legendvillainvillain not really dead clicheviolencevisitvisitorvolleyballvoyeurvoyeurismwagonwaking nightmarewaking up from a nightmarewaking up screamingwalking in the rainwatching someone sleepwatching tvwearing only shoeswhipped with a towelwhippingwoman reads a newspaperwoman wears a nightshirtwoman wears a swimsuitwoundwrapped in a blanketyear 1989
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