Watch NowShow more Abuse of WeaknessPlay Trailer Summary: A stroke-afflicted filmmaker is manipulated by a notorious con man.Release Date: February 12, 2014Genre: DramaDirector: Catherine Breillat Catherine BreillatDirector White Female Filmography Wikipedia Writer: Catherine Breillat Catherine BreillatWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 44 minMPAA: Unrated Production: Flach Film, Iris Films, Iris Productions Deutschland, Canal+, Ciné+, ARTE, ZDF/Arte, Palatine Étoile 10, Hoche Artois Images, Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC), La Wallonie et la région de Bruxelles-Capitale, Umedia, uFund, Iris GroupDistributor: Strand ReleasingCountries: France, Belgium, GermanyLanguage: FrenchDomestic: $ 31,611International: $ 140,049 Box office:Domestic:$31.6KInternational:$140KWorldwide:$171.7KBox office International:[{"country":"Brazil","data":"23384","flag":"BR"}]Source: The NumbersAdaptation/remake:based on true story, based on book, based on autobiography -32% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -32% lower than the critics.86%54%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 33%7% 33% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.7% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White86.67%Asian6.67%Jewish6.67% N/A LGBTQ content included:lesbianPossibly woke elements:f ratedNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:86%54%Douban:IMDb:Kinopoisk:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Isabelle HuppertStar Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Kool ShenStar Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Christophe SermetStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Laurence UrsinoStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Daphné BaiwirSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Laurence UrsinoSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ronald LeclercqSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Fred LebelgeSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Catherine BreillatSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Christophe SermetSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tristan SchotteSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dimitri TomsejSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nicolas SteilSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jean-François LepetitSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marc De Bodin De GalembertSupporting Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Patrick Van AckereSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia François StockmansSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Valérie ChavetSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ismaël Villar BonillaSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Valérie AzuraSupporting Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Axelle BeerensSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Andrée CambierExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jean-Pierre DenuitExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Abdelhouafi ElouassakiExtra Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia Nathalie TransonExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Michaël Dan TulalianExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Dolorès FonsecaExtra Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Coline DubusExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Stéphane ThibaultExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Amour NersesianExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia François ProdhommeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Erdogan HocerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia César MaurissenExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ulysse MaurissenExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Amélia ScortinoExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gloria ScortinoExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Maël LombartExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gabrielle MagnardExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Veronique VandevenExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Catherine BreillatExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Mathilde MazabrardExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Production: Catherine BreillatCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jesus Gonzalez-ElviraProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nadia KhamlichiProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jean-François LepetitProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Adrian PolitowskiProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nicolas SteilProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gilles WaterkeynProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords 2010sanguishawakened by phonebased on autobiographybased on bookbased on true storybeachbounced checkboxer shortsbrain damagecell phonecheckcheck fraudchristmas presentchristmas treecon artistcon mancriminalcrookcrying womandebtdirectordirector cameodivorcedriverepilepsyepilepticeuroex convictf ratedfamily councilfemale frontal nudityfemale nudityfemale rear nudityfilm castingfilmmakerfriendshiphandicaphemiplegiahospitalinfatuationlaughterlesbianliving roomloanlooking at the cameramale underwearmanipulative behaviormanipulative manmedical emergencymoneyneurological damagenew housenon professional actorobsessionparalysisphysical therapyrestaurantshoutingsigning a checksleeping nudespeech therapistspeech therapystrokestroke victimswindlertelephonetelevisiontheftthiefthreattimeframe 2010stitle directed by femaletitle same as bookwriting a checkAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: ‘Abuse of Weakness’ a fantastical film drawn from real lifeFrench director Catherine Breillat suffered a partly paralyzing cerebral hemorrhage in 2004; afterward, she struck up a friendship with a celebrated con man, who eventually bilked her out of a lot of money. In... Proper ReviewAug 13th 2014 Sara Stewart#Leftist Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment