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Summary: At Oxford, Austrian student Anna von Graz (Jacqueline Sassard) is dating fellow student William (Michael York), whom she plans to marry, but she ends up involved with two unhappily married Oxford professors instead.
Runtime: 1 h 45 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Language: English
Movie budget: $ 272,811
Domestic: $ 17,161
International: $ 48,454

Box office:


Box office International:

Source: The Numbers


based on novel

BechdeltestNo women talkingNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.
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Cast Percentages83.33%11.11%5.56%100%
U.S. Population (1970) Percentage83.2%11.1%2.63%
US Census
(Note: Racial and ethnic categories overlap so the sum will not equal 100%.)
U.S. Population (1970) Representation+0.13+0.01+2.93
U.S. Buying Power (2000) Percentage81.25%7.72%
U.S. Buying Power (2000) Representation+2.08+3.39
U.S. Average Individual Income (2018) Percentage88.52%7.95%
U.S. Average Individual Income (2018) Representation-5.19+3.16
World population (1967) Percentage23.03%8.92%0.38%
NOTE: ZR is the first organization to ever create a global buying power divided by race. Essentially we just took data from FactBook, UN Population Estimates, and The World Bank's Population Estimates / Purchasing Power Parity Per Capita.
World population (1967) Representation+60.3+2.19+5.18
World Buying Power Percentage36.48%6.38%1.11%
NOTE: ZR is the first organization to ever create a global buying power divided by race. Essentially we just took data from FactBook, UN Population Estimates, and The World Bank's Population Estimates / Purchasing Power Parity Per Capita.
World Buying Power Representation+46.85+4.73+4.45
If there were any inconsistencies with percentages calculated using our Census data, the Jewish Data Bank percentages were the ones used. Also please review the Jewish Data Bank pdf to understand the difference between the "Core" Jewish population and the "Extended" / "Law of Return" Jewish populations. We are displaying the "Core" Jewish populations since that is what the Jewish Data Bank and Wikipedia articles chose.

Also, the 1942 population estimates were used for the 1940 row. For the 2000 estimates, the "Core" definition was not used, so we used the 5.2 mil broader estimate instead of the 4.3 mil estimate since the 5.2 broader estimate seemed too drastic of a drop and the definitions weren't congruent with Core and Law of Return.
Tags / Keywords
accidentaccidental deathadulterous husbandadulteryaffairarchaeologistaustrian abroadbare chested malebased on novelblack catbloodbloody faceboyboy reads a bookboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbritish countrysidebritish literature on screencabrioletcar accidentcar crashcarrying someonecarrying someone in one's armscharacter appears in a magazinecigarette smokingclose up of eyescolleague colleague relationshipcollegecountrysidecowcoworker coworker relationshipcricket matchcricket the sportdead bodydeath in a car accidentdeath of boyfrienddinerdisembodied voicedogdownpourdrinking beerdrinking teadrinking whiskeydrunken mandrunkennesseating an appleeuropean literature on screenex boyfriend ex girlfriend relationshipex boyfriend ex girlfriend reunionfailed expectationfalling into waterfamily relationshipsfather son relationshipfieldflashbackfrench actor playing austrian characterfriendfriendship between menfrienshipgirlgoatgondolagroup of friendshorsehusband wife relationshipinfidelityinvestigationinvitationinvitation to lunchjealousykilled in a car accidentkiss on the foreheadkissing someone's handlearning the truthletterlighting a cigaretteliterature on screenlittle boylittle girllondon englandlove trianglelying on the floormale female relationshipmale friendshipmale objectificationmale police officermale star appears shirtlessman carries a womanman carries a woman in his armsman kisses a woman's handman reads a bookman reads a newspaperman wears a bathrobeman wears an open shirtman wears eyeglassesman wears shortsnonlinear timelinenovelistolder man younger woman relationshipone shoe off one shoe onoverheard conversationoverhearing a conversationoxford united kingdomoxford universityphone boothpicnicpipe smokingplaying cricketplaying footballplaying soccerplaying tennispolicepolice investigationpolice officerpost coital scenepregnancyprofessorreading a bookreading a letterreading a letter aloudreading a newspaperreading aloudreceptionreceptionistreference to aristotleremoving wet clothesrestaurantreunionrivalrivalryrowboatspiral staircasestudentstutteringstuttering manswantaking notestalking to a goattalking to an animalteacherteacher as protagonistteacher student relationshiptelephone calltennistennis courttold in flashbacktraffic accidenttutoruniversityuniversity professoruniversity studentuniversity teacherunrequited loveviolencewatching someone sleepwearing one shoewet clotheswhistlingwoman wears a bathrobewoman wears sunglasseswriter
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