Watch NowShow more Alone in the DarkPlay Trailer Summary: A few dangerous and delusional mental patients break out of a mental asylum during a power blackout, and lay siege to their new doctor's house, who, they believe, killed their previous doctor.Release Date: November 19, 1982Genres: Thriller, HorrorDirector: Jack Sholder Jack SholderDirector Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Jack Sholder Jack SholderWriter Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia , Robert Shaye Robert ShayeWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Michael Harrpster Michael HarrpsterWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 32 minMPAA: R Production: Masada Productions, New Line CinemaDistributor: New Line Cinema, Home Box Office (HBO), Image Entertainment, RCA SelectaVision VideoDiscs, RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video, Scream Factory, Turner Home Entertainment, USA Network, ViacomCountry: United StatesLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 1,000,000 Budget:$1MPossible Big Business:Production:New Line Cinema(Warner Bros. Entertainment subsidiary) N/A No Rotten Tomatoes ratings imported yet.No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 44%11% 44% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.11% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White77.78%Black11.11%Jewish11.11% 2.40 MPAARIMDbNUDITYMildVIOLENCEModeratePROFANITYMildFRIGHTENINGModerateThis film gets a 2.40/5 family friendly score Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Kinopoisk:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Jack PalanceStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Donald PleasenceStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Martin LandauStar Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Dwight SchultzSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Erland van LidthSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Deborah HedwallSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Lee Taylor-AllanSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Phillip ClarkSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Elizabeth WardSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Brent JenningsSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Gordon WatkinsSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Carol LevySupporting Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Keith ReddinSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Annie KorzenSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Lin ShayeSupporting Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Dorothy Dorian JamesSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia John WeissmanSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jana SchneiderSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Robert PastnerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Larry PineExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Frederick CoffinExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mallory MillettExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Laura EstermanExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Michael Earl ReidExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Paula RafloExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Steve DashExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael MedeirosExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia E.D. PhillipsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Norman BeimExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ken BurnsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ralph Corrado Jr.Extra White Male Filmography Wikipedia The Sic FucksExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia SnookyExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia TishExtra Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia James ArcuriExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Pamela Joya ArcuriExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Production: Jack SholderWriter Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Robert ShayeProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael HarrpsterWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dee Dee WehleCast director White Male Filmography Wikipedia Benni KorzenProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sara RisherProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords anti nuclear protestarsonarsonistattempted child murderbabysitterbare breastsbarricadebaseball batbasementbedbicycleblack comedyblackoutbloodblood splatterbreaking a windowbreast kissingbrother sister relationshipbrutalitycandlecarchild in jeopardychild molesterconcertcorpsecrossbowcult filmcut telephone linedarknessdaydeathdetectivedinerdoctoreccentricityelectronic music scoreescapeescape from a mental institutionescaped killerescaped mental patientevil manfamily in jeopardyfamily relationshipsfather daughter relationshipfearfemale nudityfemale victimfirefire extinguisherflashlightfroggirl wears eyeglassesgoregunhallucinationhiding under a bedhit by a carhockey maskhome invasionhousehusband wife relationshipindependent filminsanityintruderjailknifelifted by the throatlifting a woman into the airlifting someone into the airlittle girllootinglustmailmanman sucking woman's breastsman wears eyeglassesmarijuanamasked killermasked manmeat cleavermental illnessmental institutionmental patientmental wardmother daughter relationshipmurdermurdered with a knifemurderernew jobnightnightmarenosebleednuclear power plantoverallspantiesparanoiapedophilepervertpolice investigationpower outagepsychiatristpsychologistpsychopathpsychopathic killerpyromaniacrampagerapistreceptionistreligious fanaticriotrock bandsadistscreamingsecurity alarmsecurity systemserial killershot with an arrowsiegeslashersmall townsnowspringwood ohiostabbed in the backstabbed in the legstabbingstalkerstalkingstrangled to deathstrangulationsuspensetelephone callthrown through a windowtv newsvanvictimvillainviolencewindowwoman in jeopardywoodsAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: 10 Excellent Halloween Movies You Probably Haven’t SeenHere’s a collection of off-the-beaten-path Halloween movie recommendations for those of you looking for something good that has somehow slipped under your radar Proper ReviewOct 25th 2019 The Federalist Staff#Christian#CenterRight ALONE IN THE DARK"Return of the Bad B Movie?"Content: -4 Intentional blasphemy, evil, gross immorality, and/or worldview problems. 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