Summary: A young twenty-something diver living in the Florida Keys discovers he has the power to breathe underwater.
Runtime: 0 h 42 min
Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 7,000,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
adoptive fatherairplane crashappearing from wateraquaman characterarrestatlantisbar ownerbare chested malebased on comic bookbeachbeach barbermuda triangleboatbreaking and enteringbreathing underwatercaribbean seacharmchest scarclawingclawscoast guardcrossbowdc comicsdead fatherdeceptiondestinydie shop ownerdivingdolphinenchantmentenergy beamenvironmentalismevil mermaidexilefailed pilotfemale airforce pilotfemale bar ownerfemale hitmanfemale lieutenantfemale monsterfemale narratorfemale villainfish tailfloridaflorida keysgiftharpooninitialsinvestigationjet fighterkidnappinglegacylieutenantlighthousemale female friendshipman with gillsmentormermaidmermanmissing mothernecklaceoceanold photographplane crashes into the waterprinceprotectorreal nameredneckreference to a mermaidreference to a mermanreference to captain nemoreference to greenpeacereference to little mermaidreference to standard oil companyresponsibilitysaving a lifescepticismseahorsesecretsecret identitysex appealsexy womanshakespeare's henry ivshapeshiftersharp teethshot with an arrowsixth senseskinny dippingsniperscopespecial agentspellboundstabbed in the backstabbed in the headstormsuper speedsuper strengthsuperherosuperhumantrapunderwater sceneunsold tv series pilotwoman wears a bikini
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