The Song of Sparrows
Summary: An ostrich-rancher, Karim, embarks on a journey to Tehran, a bustling city, to replace his daughter's hearing aid, a pivotal moment in his family's struggle for independence and cultural exchange.
Runtime: 1 h 36 min
Production: Majid Majidi Film Production (I) (II)
Distributor: Koch Vision
Domestic: $ 116,372
International: $ 103,988
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
accidentanimal in titlebird in titlebroken legchildrencommunity supportcousin cousin relationshipcrutchesdeaf childdelivery servicedrawing on castentrepreneurshipfamily relationshipsfather daughter relationshipfather son relationshipfired from a jobfishfishing industryhearing aidhonestyhusband wife relationshipiraniran musiciranianiranian familyjunk collectorleaking waterleg castlosing a joblossloss of investmentloss of joblovemotorcyclemotorcycle taxiostrichostrich eggostrich farmpersianpersian familypersian musicrural settingseeking a jobsheiksheikhsibling relationshipsingingstreet vendortehran irantragic eventtv antennavillagewhite liex ray
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