Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Message | Encourages stepping up to violence and creating a safe space for everyone. Also positive messages about community, integrity, fidelity, marriage, and fatherhood, as well as talking openly with those you love instead of making assumptions about them. |
Role model | Calvin's barbershop is a pillar of the community; he and his staff want to help create a safe space and broker a truce between rival gangs. Calvin and Rashad are both attentive fathers who want to keep their children safe without leaving their beloved neighborhood. Bree is a feminist who believes men should look past a woman's superficial attractiveness and value them for their character, personality, and intellect. Doesn't shy away from exploring issues related to stereotypes: Women say men want a "ho" with fake long hair and fake big butts and a light complexion, whereas men say women want a "superthug" with a criminal record who's also a Harvard graduate and a business man. |
Violence | Gun/gang violence between adult and adolescent men: Two gang leaders can't be in each other's presence without going for their guns and needing to be physically separated. A crew tries to steal the sneakers off a boy's feet until another crew shows up with guns. Several references to innocent bystanders getting shot. One character is killed because of gang violence. |
Sex | Brief kisses. A woman asks her husband to have sex right now, then begins to unzip his pants, gets on all fours, and commands him to "get in it," but he declines. A husband jokes that his tired wife can only offer "lazy side booty." A single woman ambiguously propositions a married man and later tries to kiss him. Sexual references and comments objectify characters' bodies. A man jokes that he can't wait to give an angry woman "the D." |
Language | One use of "f--king," several uses of the "N" word between African-American characters, and more frequent uses of "s--t," "a--hole," "bitch," "ass," "goddamn," and more. Crass sexual comments like "dick print," "give her the D," "get in it," etc. |
Consumerism | Products/brands seen include Maserati, iPhone, Twitter, Instagram, Ford Mustang, Hennessey, Chevy Tahoe, Cadillac Escalade, Snickers, M&Ms, Twix, Dunkin Donuts. |
Drugs | Adults drink a shot at a bar. During a gang initiation, a gang member gives initiates a cup of unidentifiable liquor. References to drug dealing and use. |
Dove Rating | |
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