Summary: The Dark Knight of Gotham City begins his war on crime with his first major enemy being Jack Napier, a criminal who becomes the clownishly homicidal Joker.
Runtime: 2 h 06 min
Movie budget: $ 35,000,000
Domestic: $ 251,409,241
International: $ 160,160,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1980sabuseabusing one's loveracidacid in faceaction heroactor shares first name with characteraffair with the boss's girlfriendaircraftairplaneairplane accidentairplane crashalfred pennyworth characteralter egoaltered version of studio logoaltered version of warner bros. logoambiguous sceneambushamerican express cardanchorwomananimal in titleanimal themed superheroanonymous tipanswering machine messageanti heroapplying makeuparmorarmored fighting vehiclearmored vehiclearrestarsenalart museumart object destroyed in a museumassassinationassault vehicleasylumattack on a museumattacking a crowdautomobilebad guyballoonbanging one's fist on a tablebarefootbarefoot womanbarman jokerbased on comic bookbatbat signalbatcavebatman characterbatmobilebatwingbegging for one's lifebeing followedbelfrybellbell towerberettabetrayalbetrayed by employerbetrayed by one's bossbicentennialbicentennial celebrationbillionaireblack comedyblack suitblack uniformblockbusterblondeblonde womanbloodbody armorboss killed by employeeboss's girlfriendbrawlbreaking a mirrorbruce wayne characterbulldozerbullet proof automobilebulletproof vehiclebulletproof vestburned alivebutlercalling someone a jerkcalling someone a son of a bitchcalling someone an idiotcalling someone darlingcalling someone honeycalling someone sweetheartcameracamera flashcandelabracapecaped superherocar chasecardcathedralcauliflowerchallengecharacter appears on front page of a newspapercharacter appears on wanted postercharacter asks who the hell are youcharacter name in titlecharacter says for god's sakecharacter says i know who you arecharacter says oh godcharacter says oh my godcharred bodychasecheatingchemicalchemical factorychemical plantchemical vatchild witnessing a murderchildhood flashbackchrist allegorychurchchurch bellchurch towercia central intelligence agencycigar smokingcigarette smokingcitycity hallcity mayorcity night scapeclimbing stairsclose up of faceclose up of legsclownclown faceclown makeupcollapsing buildingcollectorcomic book herocomicbook moviecommissioner gordon characterconcept carcorpsecorrupt copcorruptioncosmeticscostumecostumed herocouple kissingcouragecrapscraps gamecrash landingcrime bosscrime fightercrime lordcriminalcriminal syndicatecrueltycult classiccult directorcult filmcurly hairdamsel in distressdancedancingdancing with the villaindark comedydark herodc comicsdead womandead woman on the floordead woman with eyes opendeathdeath of a loverdeath of parentsdeath of reporterdeath of villaindeck of cardsdestroying a tv setdice gamedining roomdirty copdisfigured killerdisfigured villaindisfigured womandisfigurementdisguised as a mimedistrict attorneydomestic abusedomestic servantdouble lifedressing gowndual identityelectrocutionemotionally unstableemployer murders employeeempty safeenemyevilevil clownevil manexplosionface paintfactoryfaintingfainting womanfake plastic teethfalling from heightfalling to deathfamous entrancefamous scorefeet on deskfeet on tablefemale journalistfemale murder victimfemale photographerfemale photojournalistfemale stalkerfemale war correspondentfictional cityfightfightingfire axefireplace pokerfirst of seriesfirst partfistfightflashbackfloatflyingfoot chasefriendshipfriendship between menfull moongadgetgadget cargamblingganggangstergargoylegargoyle statuegas maskgatling gungender in titlegenocideghetto blastergiving money awayglassesgood mangood versus evilgood womangoregothamgotham citygothicgraffitigreedgreen hairgreen paintgrinningguiltgungun tucked in pantsgun violencegunfighthand to hand combathandheld mirrorhandprinthanging from a ledgehanging upside downhappy endingharvey dent characterhathatehatredhaunted by the pasthelicopterherohero villain relationshipheroineheroismhigh concepthigh heeled shoehigh heelshome invasionhonorhonorable villainhostesshusband wife relationshipinfidelityinsanityjames gordon characterjet aircraftjoker cardjoker characterjournalismjournalistjujitsujusticekatana swordkicked in the facekilled in publickiller clownkillingkilling spreekilling unarmed opponentkisskiss on the cheekkissing someone's handknockout gaslaughinglaughing while killing someonelaughterleather gloveslielifting a male into the airlifting someone into the airlive television broadcastlong barreled revolverlong hairlooking at oneself in a mirrorlovelove interestlying to a lovermachine gunmakeupmale antagonistmale hero male villainmale protagonistman wears eyeglassesmaniacmanormanor housemansionmarriage proposalmartha wayne charactermartial artsmaskmasked superheromasked vigilantemasked villainmasked womanmass murdermayormegaphonemen in tightsmicrophonemillionairemimemime costumemissionmob bossmobstermoney falling through the airmood swingmotor vehiclemuggermuggingmurdermurder as an artmurder by poisonmurder of a archorwomanmurder of a bossmurder of a fashion modelmurder of a police lieutenatmurder of a police officermurder of a womanmurder of an innocent personmurder of an old manmurder of an unarmed manmurder of parentsmurder on live tvmurder on the airmurdered in broad daylightmurdered with a gunmuseumnecklace yanked offneo noirnerve damagenerve gasnews broadcastnews reportnews reporternewspapernewspaper archivenewspaper articlenewspaper clippingnewspaper headlinenewspaper journalistnewspaper photographernewspaper reporternighttimenikon cameranorth americanot returning phone callsnude woman wears eyeglassesobsessionobsessive loveoff screen deatholder villainon hood of moving caron the takeone against manyone man armyone word titleorganized crimeoriginorigin of heroorigin of villainorigin storyorphanpaintpaint canpaintbrushpainted facepainted fingernailspainted nailspanicked crowdpantyhoseparadeparent killed in front of childparentspart of tetralogyparty hornpayoffpearl necklacepencil behind earpewphoto of a corpsephotograph in newspaperphotographerphotography portfoliophotojournalistpile uppistolplaying crapspoisonpoisoningpoisonous gaspolicepolice commissionerpolice corruptionpolice filepolice investigationpolice lieutenantpolice officerpolice officer shot in the chestpolice shootoutpolice sirenpolitical dinnerpollutionpopcornportfolioportrait of george washingtonpostmodernpress conferencepretty womanproduct placementproduct tamperingpsychopathpsychosispsychoticpsychotronic filmpunched in the facepunchingpurple suitquillreading glassesreboot of seriesrecording the villainred nailsred paintred rosereference to a ghostreference to a goblinreference to beauty and the beastreference to bigfootreference to christian mythologyreference to corto maltesereference to cosmopolitan magazinereference to draculareference to hellreference to jesusreference to pablo picassoreference to pisces the astrological signreference to the devilreference to the pulitzer prizereference to the wicked witch of the westreference to vogue magazinerejecting a complimentrejecting a marriage proposalremakereporterrescuerestaurantreturn to the scene of previous eventrevengerevenge killingrevolverrichrich orphanricocheting bulletrighteous ragerivalryrope ladderroserouletterubber suitrunningrunning barefootsalt shakersatirescreaming womansearchlightsecret camerasecret identitysecret recordingservantset upset up for fallsevered nervessex on first datesexy female journalistsexy womanshootingshooting a police officershooting a womanshooting an unarmed manshooting from a carshootoutshot with own gunshowdownsipping soupslimehouseslow motion scenesmilesmiling corpsesmoking tobaccoson seeing mother murderedsoupspinning newspapersplashing water on one's facespray paintsquad carstalkerstalkingstalking one's loverstatuestrapless dresssubjective camerasuicidesuper villainsuperherosuperhero actionsuperhero adventuresuperhero originsupervillainsupervillain originsurprise endingswordsword fighttable salttalking to a corpsetalking to the deadtape recordertapping fingerstelephone calltelephone conversationtelling someone to shut upthe mayor characterthomas wayne characterthrowing moneythrowing money into the airthrowing water into someone's facetime magazinetimeframe 1980stitle directed by maletitle spoken by charactertommy guntough guytowertragedytragic herotraptraumatraytv newstwo way mirrorunannounced visitorunfaithful girlfriendunited states of americaurban gothicurban renewalurban settingvandalismvehiclevicki vale charactervigilantevillavillainvillain as protagonistvillainyviolencevogue magazinewanted posterwar correspondentwarriorwatching news on tvwatching tvwayne manorwealthwearing sunglasses indoorswhite dresswoman running barefootwoman takes off her shoeswoman wears a gas maskwoman wears eyeglasseswoman wears high heelswoman with long hairworking womanyelling
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