Black and Tan
Summary: Duke Ellington in a jazz musical short with a tragic plotline.
Runtime: 0 h 19 min
MPAA: Not Rated
Production: RKO Radio Pictures
Country: United States
Language: English
Supporting cast:
Other cast:
actor shares first name with characteractor shares last name with characteractress shares first name with characteractress shares last name with characterafrican americanbootleg boozecigarette smokingcolor in titlecomposercotton clubdancerdancingdeath of girlfrienddebut filmfictional plotharlem manhattan new york cityheart diseasejazzjazz musicmanhattan new york citymusiciannational film registrynew york citynightclubpianistpiano moverprohibitionracial stereotyperepo manshowbiz dramasingersingingslangsongtheatertragedy drama