Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | Rated R for language throughout, sexual content, drug use and some nudity |
International Certification | Australia : MA15+Canada : 14A,14APoland : 12United Kingdom : 15United States : R |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-05-28Update data | |
Nudity | A couple begin to make out on a couch; brief rear nudity Moaning heard from behind a door and a character walks in on a couple having sex (brief; no nudity) |
Violence | One woman begins hitting another briefly before getting pulled off. |
Profanity | Consistent use of profanity, including fuck |
Alcohol | Characters drink, get high, and smoke cigarettes A pregnant woman drinks quite a bit of wine |
Frightening | Constant growling from, and occasional sighting of, a black bear around the cabin |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-05-28Update data | |
Message | Offers plenty to talk about, if no real answers. Themes are related to women's power -- and how men relate to that power -- as well as the point at which creative license crosses a line and the concept of nature itself being in charge. |
Role model | In the movie's first half, a major character is a female film director, although she's not particularly admirable. She isn't really seen doing any work, and she indulges in problematic behavior (drinking, illicit sex, etc.). |
Violence | A man tackles a pregnant woman and throws her down on the floor; she's hurt and needs the hospital. Character hit on the head with a blunt object; blood on his face. Strong arguing, bickering. Shouting. Car crash. Dialogue about a person dying. Other suggested violence. |
Sex | A married man kisses a woman who's not his wife and initiates sex. Woman moans, but sex is interrupted. Two people kiss; one starts to strip. Woman without underwear on; her naked bottom is seen. More kissing. Graphic sex-related talk. |
Language | Extremely strong language includes constant use of "f--k," "bulls--t," "s--t," "p---y," "a--hole," "bitch," and "d--k," plus "swear to God" and "Jesus Christ." |
Drugs | Characters drink heavily (wine, whiskey, etc.) and get staggering drunk. Characters smoke pot/get stoned. Character rolls a joint. Cigarette smoking. |
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