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Black Caesar

Summary: Raised in Harlem, Tommy Gibbs becomes a successful mob boss but he clashes with the rival Mafia and his old enemy, dirty cop McKinney.
Release Date: February 07, 1973
Genres: Action, Drama, Crime
Runtime: 1 h 27 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Tags / Keywords
1950s1970sabandoned buildingabsent fatheradding machineafrican americanambulanceamerican flagangeranti heroapartmentassassinassassinationassassination attemptbarberbarber shavebarber shopbare breastsbeaten by a copbeatingbetrayalbilliard ballblackfaceblacks versus italiansblaxploitationbloodblood splatterbodyguardbreakfast in bedbrutalitycadillac fleetwoodcaliforniachianticigar smokingcolor remake of black and white filmconvicted feloncop killercorrupt copcorruptioncrime bosscriminalcriminal gangcriminal syndicatecriminal underworldcrueltycult filmcult movie castcut from shavingdancingdead mandeathdeath of title characterdriving on the sidewalkeating a hot dogface slapfather son relationshipfearfemale frontal nudityfemale nudityfemale singerfemale star appears nudeforced to singfriendfuneralfur coatgang wargangstergiftgift wrapped presentguerrilla filmmakinggungun held to headhandheld cameraharlem manhattan new york cityhiding in a trunkhit on the head over and overhitmanhorse drawn carriageindependent filminner cityinsultirish americanitalianitalian americanitalian mafiajealousykisskissing while having sexlawyerledgerleg in tractionlighting a cigarettelimplimpinglimping manloss of controlloss of friendloss of motherlovemachine gunmachine gunnedmafiamaidmale objectificationmale star appears nudeman hits a womanmanhattan new york citymassacremausermobmob enforcermob executionmob hitmob takeovermob violencemoneymontagemother son relationshipmp 40 machine gunmuggedmurdermurder of a police officernew york cityopening action sceneorganized crimepassionate kisspeace hand gesturepile of rubbleplaying pianopolicepolice brutalitypolice corruptionpolice officer strangulatedpolitical corruptionpoliticspowerprayingracismrapered winereference to abraham lincolnreference to al jolsonreference to bergdorf goodmanremakerevengerise and fallrise and fall of a gangsterruthlessnesssandwich buffetself destructivenessset up for murdersevered earsex sceneshoe shineshoeshineshoeshine boyshootingshootoutshot in the bellyshot in the foreheadshot in the headshot multiple timesshot point blankshot to deathsocial commentaryspaghetti dinnerstock portfoliostraight razorstrangledstreetsunset cityscapeswimming poolswitchbladethrown down stairstimeframe 1950stimeframe 1970stough guytruck explosionunderwear hanging on a clothes lineunderworldvillain as protagonistviolencevisiting mother's gravewalking woundedwater fountainweaponyear 1953year 1965year 1972
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