Watch NowShow more Black Devil DollPlay Trailer Summary: A young, buxom teen vixen finds herself hurled into an odyssey of forbidden sex and unspeakable violence after an innocent evening dabbling in the occult. What started as a simple child's game has now become a fight for her life. ...Release Date: October 31, 2007Genres: Comedy, HorrorDirector: Jonathan Louis Lewis Jonathan Louis LewisDirector Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Shawn Lewis Shawn LewisWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Mitch Mayes Mitch MayesWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 13 min Production: Lowest Common Denominator Entertainment, Rotten CottonDistributor: Rotten Cotton, Rotten Cotton Graphics, Grindhouse Releasing, Lowest Common Denominator EntertainmentCountry: United StatesLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 10,000 Budget:$10K N/A The average Rotten Tomatoes audience score is 34%.34%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 31%14% 31% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.14% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White78.57%Asian14.29%Jewish7.14% N/A LGBTQ content included:gay, gay sex, lesbian, bisexualPossibly woke elements:misogyny, racismNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:34%IMDb:Kinopoisk:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Jonathan Louis LewisStar Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Chris LewisStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Minh BaoStar Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: The BrickSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Heather MurphySupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gregory SolisSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia John OsteenSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dennis LaponsieSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mubia Abul-JamaSupporting Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Natasha TalonzSupporting Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Mitchell BooneSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Erika BranichSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Precious CoxSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Christine SvendsenSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Martin BooneSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Shawn LewisSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Production: Jonathan Louis LewisProducer Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Shawn LewisProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mitch MayesProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Natasha TalonzCast director Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia John OsteenProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords absurd violenceafrican americananal intercourseanal sexanilingusbathbathroom sexbathtubberettabisexual maleblack americanblack comedyblack male white female relationshipblack powerblaxploitationblaxploitation filmbloody violencebowel movementbreast implantbubble bathcolor in titlecovered in fecescrapscum on facecunnilingusdead woman in a bathtubdefecationdomestic violenceejaculationejaculation onto someone's faceelectrocuted in bathtubelectrocutionevil laughevil laughterexcrementexploitationexploitation filmf wordfacialfaecalfake breastsfecesfellatiofemale frontal nudityfemale full frontal nudityfemale masturbationfemale nudityfemale objectificationflushing toilet while some one is in a showergay sexgolden showergoregrindhouse filmkiller dollkinky sexlarge breastslesbianmasturbating in a showermasturbationmidnight moviemisogynistmisogynymurdermurder of a nude womann wordnecrophilianecrophiliaconanismoral sexouija boardparaphileparaphiliapeeingperversionperversitypervertpossessed dollracial stereotyperacismracistracist humorracist jokeroofiescatological humorscatologyself lovesemensex in a bathroomsex in a bathtubsex in bathroomsex with a puppetsexploitationsexual aberrationsexual perversionsexual predatorshaved vaginashowersickosimulated sexslashersodomysoftcorespermsperm on facesuicidesuicide by gunshotsun tanningtalking on a phone while having sextattoothree word titletoilet sextrashtwister the gameunusual sex actsurinating on someoneurinationurineurophiliavaginal masturbationvaginal sexvoyeurismvulvawoman electrocutedwoman haterwoman showeringAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Interview with Shawn LewisAs you may or may not know, Shawn Lewis is the proprietor of Rotten Cotton, an online shirt company specializing in horror, cult, and exploi Proper ReviewFeb 16th 2019 Soiled Sinema#DissidentRight Black Devil Doll from HellWhat can be said about Black Devil Doll from Hell that hasn't been exorcised in the form of spittle from drooling cult film fanatics? 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