Black Snake Moan
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Ratinghttps://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462200/parentalguidelast updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Ratinghttps://www.commonsensemedia.org/movie-reviews/black-snake-moanlast updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Message | Depending on how you look at it, the message is either that extreme promiscuity is an evil sickness or that broken people (in this case the town's insatiable slut and bitter, drunk bluesman) can help heal each other. Lots of racial and sexual stereotypes and tensions. |
Violence | An acquaintance nearly rapes Rae but instead bloodies her face (so hard she loses consciousness for two days) and then leaves her by the side of a road. Laz holds a broken beer bottle against a man's throat. Two men get in a bare-knuckled fight. A character points a gun and threatens to use it against two different men. Rae attacks her mother with a broom. Laz chains Rae but doesn't actually hurt her. |
Sex | The entire film is about sex. From the opening shot of Rae and Ronnie having sex (there's only partial nudity, but it's so naturalistic that it seems more graphic) to Rae baring her breasts and basically attacking a young teenager, the plot revolves around the notion that she's a young nymphomaniac "in heat." The girl can't stop getting it on -- whether it's with the local drug dealer or random guys at a drug-and-booze-filled house party. Rae has flashbacks of being abused by a shadowy man in her past. She spends the majority of the film chained to a radiator in small white panties and a midriff-baring cutoff top. Laz flirts sweetly with the local pharmacist. |
Language | Samuel L. Jackson stars, so expect many, many utterances of "motherf----r," "f--k," "d--k," "s--t," and the like. Even the town pastor curses. Both white and black characters say the "N" word. |
Drugs | Laz drinks a lot -- at a local bar and in his own home. Rae not only gets incredibly drunk at a party, but she also asks a dealer to give her enough pills to get "f---ed up." Laz and Rae do shots of moonshine. |
Dove Ratinghttps://dove.org/review/6360-black-snake-moan/ | |
Faith | None |
Sex | References to sexual abuse; man tries to rape woman; two explicit sex scenes; numerous sexual references; woman kisses man; woman kisses teen boy; reference to STDs; man takes advantage of intoxicated woman; woman is a sex addict. |
Language | F-37; S-33; B-3; A-8; D-2; GD-20; J-1; JC-1; H-7; N-7; Ho-3; Whore-1; Hussy-1; Floozy-1; Faggot-1; Slang for male/female genitalia-7; Go to H-1. |
Violence | Man beats woman; woman hits woman with mop; man threatened with broken bottle; men beat each other up. |
Drugs | Heavy drinking and cigarette smoking throughout; woman takes drugs; reference to selling crack; man sells drugs to women at a party; people intoxicated in several scenes. |
Nudity | Woman wearing only underwear and skimpy top for half the film; topless woman shown several times; man’s rear end; women in bras and underwear; men without shirts. |
Other | Reference to emotional pain caused by an abortion; woman confronts her mother about childhood sexual abuse by her mother’s boyfriend. |