Watch NowShow more Bless the ChildPlay Trailer Summary: Cody, a little girl abandoned by her mother and raised by her aunt, a nurse, is kidnapped. The girl's guardian, aided by an F.B.I. agent, learn that Cody has supernatural abilities, and the abductees are a Satanic cult willing to ...Release Date: August 11, 2000Genres: Drama, Crime, HorrorDirector: Chuck Russell Chuck RussellDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Cathy Cash Spellman Cathy Cash SpellmanWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia , Thomas Rickman Thomas RickmanWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Clifford Green Clifford GreenWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 47 minMPAA: R Production: Paramount Pictures, Icon Entertainment International, Munich Film Partners & Company (MFP) BTC ProductionsDistributor: Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Entertainment, Scream FactoryCountries: United States, Germany, CanadaLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 65,000,000Domestic: $ 29,381,494International: $ 11,061,516 Box office:Budget:$65MDomestic:$29.4MInternational:$11.1MWorldwide:$40.4MAdaptation/remake:based on novelPossible Big Business:Production:Paramount Pictures 40% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this 40% higher than the critics.3%43%The Metacritic audience rated this 21% higher than the critics.Metacritic Meta:17/100Metacritic User:38/100 56%18% 56% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.18% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White82.35%Mixed / Other11.76%Latino5.88% 2.00 Possibly woke elements:strong female characterBechdeltestTalk about a manCommonsensemediaViolence5/5Language3/5Drugs3/5This film gets a 2.00/5 family friendly score Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:3%43%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Kinopoisk:Metacritic:Metacritic User:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Kim BasingerStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Angela BettisStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Holliston ColemanStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jimmy SmitsStar Mixed / Other Male Filmography Wikipedia Rufus SewellStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Rufus SewellSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Christina RicciSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jimmy SmitsSupporting Mixed / Other Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael GastonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lumi CavazosSupporting Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Dimitra ArlissSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Eugene LipinskiSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Anne BetancourtSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ian HolmSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Helen StenborgSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Matthew LemcheSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dan Warry-SmithSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Holliston ColemanSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Angela BettisSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Elisabeth RosenSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Tony Del RioSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Nicole LynSupporting Mixed / Other Female Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Peter MensahExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Matt BirmanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael McLachlanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jonathan MalenExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Vince CorazzaExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia David EisnerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gary HudsonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Samantha O'DwyerExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Nicolas SalgadoExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Marcia BennettExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Yan BirchExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alexa GilmourExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Wanda-Lee EvansExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Cedric SmithExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dwayne McLeanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Brenda DevineExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Lauren SpringExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Christopher RedmanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jovanni SyExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Trevor BainExtra Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Brian HeightonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Christopher MarrenExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Schroeder ToddExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John HealyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dylan HarmanExtra Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia David SparrowExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael CopemanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Neil GirvanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Carol LempertExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Kelvin WheelerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tony MeylerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard CarmichaelExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Roman PodhoraExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dean GabourieExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Arnold PinnockExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Teresa PavlinekExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jeffrey CaudleExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Catherine FitchExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Neville EdwardsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John ShepherdExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Norma EdwardsExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Leeza GibbonsExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Dan DuranExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Sandi StahlbrandExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Mia LeeExtra Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Meredith McGeachieExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Henry AlessandroniExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Austin ReedExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Corrina ReedExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Brianna ReedExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Marcello BaccalaExtra Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia Lori BerlangaExtra Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Philip MoranExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Brian SteeleExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jennifer VeyExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Production: Chuck RussellDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Cathy Cash SpellmanWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia Thomas RickmanWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Clifford GreenWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Deborah AquilaCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Bruce DaveyProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lis KernProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Stratton LeopoldProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mace NeufeldProducer Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Robert RehmeProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords angelaunt niece relationshipautismbased on novelbeatingbiblebirdbody lands on a carbrainwashbridgebrought back to lifebuilding on fireburned alivebuscar chasecar falls into watercar off a bridgecartoon on tvcatholiccgichapelchasechild as saviorchild murder investigationchloroformchosen onechristianchristian horrorchristmaschrysler building manhattan 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Production Quality: What You Need To Know:Produced by many Hollywood friends,... Proper ReviewAug 13th 2012 MovieGuide#CenterRight#Christian Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment