Watch NowShow more Bright Young ThingsPlay Trailer Summary: An adaptation of Evelyn Waugh's novel "Vile Bodies", is a look into the lives of a young novelist, his would-be lover, and a host of young people who beautified London in the 1930s.Release Date: October 03, 2003Genres: Comedy, Drama, WarDirector: Stephen Fry Stephen FryDirector Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Stephen Fry Stephen FryWriter Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia , Evelyn Waugh Evelyn WaughWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 42 minMPAA: R Production: The Film Consortium, UK Film Council, Visionview Production, Doubting Hall LimitedDistributor: New Line Home VideoCountry: United KingdomLanguage: EnglishDomestic: $ 933,637International: $ 1,971,862 Box office:Domestic:$933.6KInternational:$2MWorldwide:$2.9MAdaptation/remake:based on novel 2% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this 2% higher than the critics.65%67%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 22%0% 22% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.0% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White100% N/A LGBTQ content included:gay, homosexual, gay character, lesbianNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:65%67%Douban:IMDb:Kinopoisk:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Emily MortimerStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Stephen Campbell MooreStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dan AykroydStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Simon McBurneySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael SheenSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia James McAvoySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Stockard ChanningSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Adrian ScarboroughSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jim CarterSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Fenella WoolgarSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Julia McKenzieSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Bruno LastraSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia David TennantSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jim BroadbentSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia John Franklyn-RobbinsSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Simon CallowSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Guy HenrySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Al BarclaySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Lisa DillonExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Lisa JacksonExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Neville PhillipsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Imelda StauntonExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Bill PatersonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nigel PlanerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Peter O'TooleExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Toby and TigerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Stephen FryExtra Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia James Jackson RitchieExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Arturo VenegasExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Harriet WalterExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Angela ThorneExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Margaret TyzackExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Richard E. GrantExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John MillsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nicholas Le PrevostExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ian HughesExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alec NewmanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alan WilliamsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mark HardyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gerard HoranExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tony MaudsleyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nigel HulmeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John MackleExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mark GatissExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ivan MarevichExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Rebekah StatonExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Paul PopplewellExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Maximilian MacdonaldExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nicola GossipExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Haidée AugustaExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Greg BennettExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Rachel BrooksbyExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Stephen CarlileExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Rachel Ann CourtneyExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Tom FredericExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jessica HillExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Kate LoustauExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia David McClellandExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Martina MessingExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Caroline NewmanExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Robyn PartonExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Larry RandallExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Annette RocheExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Bobby ValentinoExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Anna-Marie WayneExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Natalie WilcoxExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Sarah WoodwardExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Tracy YarkoniExtra Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Marge ChampionExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Production: Stephen FryProducer Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Evelyn WaughWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Wendy BrazingtonCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Chris AutyProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gina CarterProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Miranda DavisProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Andrew EatonProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Caroline HewittProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Neil PeplowProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jim ReeveProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Steve RobbinsProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael WinterbottomProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation StarSupportingOtherProduction Tags / Keywords 10 downing street1930sabsintheadventuressamericanaristocracyaristocratarrestarundel west sussex englandauto mechanicbandbank checkbare chested malebased on novelbedbedroomberkeley square londonbombingbowler hatboybreakfastbritish culturebritish prime ministerburning an 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