Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Message | It's better to win on your own terms instead of cheating to win. |
Role model | Most of the characters are two-dimensional representatives of typical high school cliquedom, but one of the characters, a new girl who's a gymnast-turned-cheerleader, is unafraid to be who she exactly who she is, and wants to succeed on her own terms. |
Violence | A cheerleader falls from a human pyramid and lands on her head, requiring a ambulance trip to the hospital on a stretcher. A cheerleader is shown covered in blood while her coach tells her how she did the routine wrong. |
Sex | Sexual insinuations. In a cheerleading dream sequence, a character's top falls off and the entire school sees it. Cheerleaders are shown scantily clad in the locker room. A male cheerleader makes an oral sex gesture with his mouth and hand. While male cheerleaders raise female cheerleaders into the air, one of the male cheerleaders gets his fingers close enough to a female cheerleader's vagina to make her moan in barely concealed pleasure. A male cheerleader new to college is shown waking up in his dorm room with a girl in his bed. |
Language | Name-calling on the order of "slut," "whore," and "dick." Some profanity: "s--t," "ass," "bitchin." Homophobic slurs are thrown around: "fags," "dykes," one character asks others if someone else is "dykeadelic." Early in the film, a new student to a class is bullied by football players who cough out the word "loser" several times. |
Consumerism | During a cheerleading contest, different brands are featured prominently throughout the gymnasium: Jansport, VanCamp's, Marshall's, Visa. |
Dove Rating | |
Faith | None |
Sex | Teen grabs his crotch; many sexual references, sexual dialogue and conversations; one male cheerleader is gay and he ogles another male cheerleader; a male cheerleader touches a female cheerleader under her uniform and she is not wearing underwear; the lead's college-age boyfriend is seen in bed with another girl twice and sex is implied; an erotic dance at tryout; opening song is peppered with sexual innuendo; suggestive dancing. |
Language | F-2; S-10; BS-1; A-7; B-3; You s*ck-4. |
Violence | None |
Drugs | None |
Nudity | None |
Other | A girl gets sick from nervousness and vomits on another girl. |
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