Watch NowShow more CamillaPlay Trailer Summary: Vincent and Freda Lopez are a young married Toronto couple who both indulge in the arts, Vince as an artist and Freda as a musician/composer. Their marriage is not as secure as it may seem on the surface as Vince sees Freda's musi...Release Date: November 25, 1994Genre: DramaDirector: Deepa Mehta Deepa MehtaDirector Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Ali Jennings Ali JenningsWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia , Paul Quarrington Paul QuarringtonWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 35 minMPAA: PG-13 Production: Miramax, Majestic Films International, Newcomm, Skreba Films, Téléfilm Canada, Ontario Film Development Corporation, FUND, British Screen Productions, Canadian Film Centre (CFC), The CRB FoundationDistributor: Miramax, Paramount+Countries: Canada, United KingdomLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 8,500,000 Budget:$8.5MAdaptation/remake:based on short storyProduction:Miramax(Paramount Global subsidiary) -1% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -1% lower than the critics.40%39%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 44%31% 44% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.31% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White68.75%Black12.5%Mixed / Other12.5%Indian6.25% N/A Possibly woke elements:f ratedNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:40%39%Douban:IMDb:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Jessica TandyStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Bridget FondaStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Hume CronynStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Elias KoteasSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Maury ChaykinSupporting Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Graham GreeneSupporting Mixed / Other Male Filmography Wikipedia Ranjit ChowdhrySupporting Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia George HarrisSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Sandi RossSupporting Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Gerry QuigleySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Atom EgoyanSupporting Mixed / Other Male Filmography Wikipedia Devyani SaltzmanSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Camille SpenceSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Martha CronynSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Sheilanne LindsaySupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Don McKellarSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Megan BanningSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Joe BarzoSupporting Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Laura BryantExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Stephen CarrExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Christina JenningsExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Simon RelphExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ken SmithExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Deepa MehtaDirector Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Ali JenningsWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia Paul QuarringtonWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Deirdre BowenCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jonathan BarkerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Suzanne ColvinProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Christina JenningsProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Simon RelphProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords acoustic guitarairlineranxiety attackapplauseartistbarbarbecuebased on short storybeachbreastsbuttock nuditybuttockscanadiancanadian bordercharacter name as titlecincinnati ohiocn towercomposercon artistconcertdrinkdrinkingeast indianelectric guitarf ratedfake kidnappingfemale full frontal nudityfemale nudityfemale rear nudityferry boatfilm producerfilm setfilmmakerfishingforename as titlefriendfriendshipguitarguitaristheadphoneshitchhikinghusband wife relationshipindependent filminstrument casekidnappingliarlielonelinesslong lost lovemale female relationshipmarriagememorymicrophonemisunderstandingmother son relationshipmotorboatmovie cameramusic conductormusicianneighborniagara fallsnightclubnudityold ageold ladyold manold womanolder woman nudeon the roadone word titlepainterpaintingpassportpianistpolice officerporn producerposterreference to johannes brahmsreference to ludwig van beethovenreference to peter sellersreference to robin williamsreminiscenceroad tripsavannah georgiasheet musicsherrysingersingingskinny dippingsongsongwriterstagestatuestorytellingsymphony orchestratape recordertheatertheater audiencetitle directed by femaletoronto ontario canadatraintravelvacationvaginaviolinviolin makerviolinistvoice overwatching tvAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Submit a review link YouTubeAltCensoredArchive.orgBitChuteBlogspotMediumOdyseeRumbleSubstackTikTok YouTube: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment