Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Educational | Not intended to be educational, other than teaching kids positive messages about being true to themselves. |
Message | Strong, frequently reiterated positive messages about believing in yourself and being who you are. |
Role model | Although many characters do plenty of iffy things -- lying, purposely getting people in trouble, embarrassing others in public, acting better than other people, being rude to adults and other kids, etc. -- they definitely learn their lessons in the end. Tess is materalistic and the epitome of a "mean girl" for much of the movie, though her behavior has clear causes (her famous mother is very distant); Shane also behaves like a self-entitled snot until he learns the error of his ways. The cast is impressively diverse, and Mitchie -- who makes plenty of mistakes but learns from them -- is a very relatable character for tween and teen girls. |
Violence | A few pratfalls and some shouting matches. |
Sex | Many of the girls are ga-ga for rock star Shane Gray. Shane and Mitchie flirt and look intensely into each other's eyes, but that's about as racy as it gets. |
Language | Words like "jerk," "stupid," "loser," and "shut up" are used infrequently. |
Consumerism | The movie is part of an enormous marketing campaign. |
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