Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | A male-dominated world has struggled to adjust to the increasing social power of women. Men feel increasingly threatened by smart, educated, and self-confident women. With regard to women, men should not "forget who's boss." Life is a game where people play parts and present false personas. |
Role model | Jonathan matures from a deceitful, breast-obsessed Ivy League college student to a woman-hating control freak who has trouble achieving erections and blames his condition on "ball-busting" women. Sandy is a dutiful, childish naif who can't see his friend has betrayed him and who has no idea how to see beyond himself and his needs. A 40-year-old man takes up with an 18-year-old girl. A man says he paid a 16-year-old for sex and it's suggested that she gave him an STD. A college girl sleeps with one friend, then betrays him by carrying on with his best friend at the same time. |
Violence | Jonathan abusively yells at his girlfriend because she wants to get married. After she attempts suicide he accuses her of cleverly trying to manipulate him into marrying her. |
Sex | Naked breasts are seen briefly or obscured by the dark. Men are seen naked but no genitals are shown. Sounds of moaning and thrusting. A sex act is viewed from above, showing only the face of the woman below. Two male friends discuss swapping their partners for sex. Men discuss women's body parts and assess their attractiveness. A man describes having sex -- standing, sitting, in a car. A condom is shown. A man begs a woman to have sex with him as they lie on a bed together. He wears a shirt and tie and underwear and she seems naked under sheets. A woman's nipples are clearly seen through a white turtleneck from afar as two men discuss her anatomy. A man tells his friend he sleeps with a dozen new girls per year. A woman wears a low-cut dress revealing huge cleavage. She is later seen naked in her bra, prone on a bed. She walks into a shower to have sex with her waiting boyfriend. A man and woman have sex after their first date and move in together two weeks later. A man regularly pays a woman to recite a script written to help him achieve an erection. |
Language | "F--k," "c--t," "s--t," "ass," "ball buster," "bastard," "bitch," "prick," "feel up," "t-ts," "getting laid," "getting hard," "schmuck," "make out," "come." |
Drugs | Adults drink and smoke cigarettes and cigars. A deliberate prescription drug overdose is suggested but not shown, and the character recovers. |
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