Watch NowShow more Certified CopyPlay Trailer Summary: In Tuscany to promote his latest book, a middle-aged British writer meets a French woman who leads him to the village of Lucignano. While there, a chance question reveals something deeper.Release Date: May 19, 2010Genres: Drama, RomanceDirector: Abbas Kiarostami Abbas KiarostamiDirector Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Abbas Kiarostami Abbas KiarostamiWriter Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia , Caroline Eliacheff Caroline EliacheffWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 46 minMPAA: Not Rated Production: MK2 Productions, BiBi Film, France 3 Cinéma, Artémis Productions, Cofinova 6, Cinémage 4, Soficinéma 5, Canal+, Rai Cinema, France Télévisions, Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC), Regione Toscana, Toscana Film Commission, MEDIA Programme of the European Union, Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral Belge, Anglo-Belge Special Risks NV, Abbas Kiarostami ProductionsDistributor: Sundance Selects, The Criterion Channel, The Criterion CollectionCountries: France, Italy, Belgium, IranLanguage: FrenchMovie budget: $ 7,000,000Domestic: $ 1,373,975International: $ 6,362,657 Box office:Budget:$7MDomestic:$1.4MInternational:$6.4MWorldwide:$7.7M -19% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -19% lower than the critics.89%70%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 40%0% 40% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.0% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White100% N/A BechdeltestPassed!No MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:89%70%Douban:IMDb:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Juliette BinocheStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia William ShimellStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jean-Claude CarrièreStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Agathe NatansonSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gianna GiachettiSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Adrian MooreSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Angelo BarbagalloSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Andrea LaurenziSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Filippo TrojanoSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Manuela BalsimelliSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Production: Abbas KiarostamiProducer Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia Caroline EliacheffWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia Fabiola BanziCast director Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Angelo BarbagalloProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gaetano DanieleProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Claire DornoyProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Charles GillibertProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marin KarmitzProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nathanaël KarmitzProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Patrick QuinetProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords anniversaryantique shopapplying lipstickargumentartart bookart expertart historianart museumartifactbook readingcafecell phonecopydigital filmdriving a carearringenglishestranged fatherfountainhusband wife relationshipirresponsible fatherirresponsible parentitalian artitalian villaitalylipsticklong takelost lovemale female relationshipmarital argumentminimalismmother son relationshipmotherhoodold couplepostmodernpressure from sonpublic argumentreading a bookred winereference to andy warholreference to coca colarestaurantsimulacrumsingle motherslow cinemastatueteenagertitle appears in writingtuscany italywater fountainweddingwedding anniversarywedding celebrationwedding photowineAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Certified Copy, 2010 - ★★★★★ Certified Copy “When we fall in love we see everything as an original. Falling in love is a matter of pulling the wool over our own eyes, inflating the price of things, and then as things become... Proper ReviewMar 2nd 2021 Bryant Tyler#AntiWoke#Christian#PaleoCon Wknd Box Office: Source Code, Win Win, Miral, Certified CopyBy Debbie Schlussel Most of this week’s new movies at the theater are okay, with the exception of the absolutely boring, messy Palestinian propaganda film. I did not see “Insidious”... Proper ReviewApr 1st 2011 Debbie Schlussel#Jewish#CenterRight It’s time to get things restarted It’s time to get things restarted SMALL FRY (Angus McClane, USA, 2011, 7) THE MUPPETS (James Bobin, USA,... Contains MentionDec 27th 2018 VJ Morton#Christian#CenterRight Top 10 of 2011The best films commercial-released in the US in 2011, I Hath Spake Of Gods and Men A Separation The Tree of Life Certified Copy Tabloid Martha Marcy May Marlene Melancholia Tuesday, After... Contains MentionJul 15th 2012 VJ Morton#Christian#CenterRight Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment