Watch NowShow more Children of a Lesser GodPlay Trailer Summary: A new speech teacher at a school for the deaf falls in love with the janitor, a deaf woman speechless by choice.Release Date: October 31, 1986Genres: Drama, RomanceDirector: Randa Haines Randa HainesDirector White Female Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Mark Medoff Mark MedoffWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Hesper Anderson Hesper AndersonWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , James Carrington James CarringtonWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 59 minMPAA: PG Production: Paramount PicturesDistributor: CBS, Paramount Home Entertainment, Trifecta Entertainment and MediaCountry: United StatesLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 10,500,000Domestic: $ 31,853,080 Box office:Budget:$10.5MDomestic:$31.9MWorldwide:$31.9MAdaptation/remake:based on playPossible Big Business:Production:Paramount Pictures -2% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -2% lower than the critics.80%78%The Metacritic audience rated this -6% lower than the critics.Metacritic Meta:80/100Metacritic User:74/100 39%0% 39% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.0% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White87.5%Jewish12.5% 0.95 Possibly woke elements:f ratedBechdeltestPassed!CommonsensemediaMessage3/5Role model3/5Violence1/5Sex3/5Language4/5Drugs2/5This film gets a 0.95/5 family friendly score Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:80%78%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Kinopoisk:Metacritic:Metacritic User:OFDb:WokenessThecherrypicks:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: William HurtStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marlee MatlinStar Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Piper LaurieStar Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Philip BoscoSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Allison GompfSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia John F. ClearySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia John LimnidisSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Philip HolmesSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bob HiltermannSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Georgia Ann ClineSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia William D. ByrdSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Frank Carter Jr.Supporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia E. Katherine KerrSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia John BasingerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Barry MagnaniSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Linda BoveSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ann HansonSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia James CarringtonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Max M. BrownExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia María CellarioExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jon-Paul DoughertyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Linda SwimExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Lois ClowaterExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Allan R. FrancisExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard KendallExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Christopher ShayExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Laraine IsaExtra Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Nanci KendallExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Marie BrazilExtra Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Charlene LegereExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Leigh FrenchExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Archie HahnExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jack BlessingExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nicholas GuestExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gigi VorganExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Lynne Marie StewartExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Production: Randa HainesDirector White Female Filmography Wikipedia Mark MedoffWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Hesper AndersonWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia James CarringtonWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gretchen RennellCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Candace KoetheProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Patrick J. PalmerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Burt SugarmanProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alan CollisProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords 1980sacademia dramaargumentbased on playbasketballbrief nuditycatclassical musiccleaning womandancingdeafnesselectronic music scoref ratedf wordfalling in lovefalling into waterfemale rear nudityferryfightinggod in titlehandicapped actorjanitorlip readinglistening to classical musiclistening to musicloud musiclovemainemale female relationshipmother daughter relationshipnew jobnudityplaying basketballplaying cardsplaying pokerpokerpoolprincipalprofanityquickierecord playerredheaded womanreference to bachschoolschool for the deafschool superintendentsexside boobsign languagesmokingsource musicstudentteacherteacher student relationshiptimeframe 1980stitle directed by femaletroubled pastunderwater sexwoman smokerAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Faith-Based ‘Walking with Herb’ Lands in a Spiritual Sand TrapWhere has George Lopez been hiding all these years? 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