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Clerks III

Summary: Dante, Elias, and Jay and Silent Bob are enlisted by Randal after a heart attack to make a movie about the convenience store that started it all.
Release Date: September 16, 2022
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Runtime: 1 h 40 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 7,000,000
Domestic: $ 4,663,106
International: $ 54,491

Box office:


Box office International:

Source: The Numbers

Possible lazy cash grab:

White78.57%Black7.14%Asian7.14%Mixed / Other7.14%
BechdeltestNo women talkingNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.
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Other Cast, Production

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Tags / Keywords
allergyambulanceblack and white sceneblack catboom boxbullhorncasketcatcemeterycharacter deals drugscharacter deathcharacter diescharacter dies of heart attackconvenience storecrude jokingcrying womandancingdeath from heart attackdeath of continuing characterdeath of hospital patientdeath of major characterdeath of recurring characterdistractiondoggingdonkeydrug abusedrug dealdrug takingdrug useeggemotional sceneex girlfriendexpletivefast food restaurantfentanylfuneralgroupheart attackheart attack victimheart breaking scenehospitaljay and silent bobjay characterkiteman masturbatesman masturbates while watching sexman masturbates whilst watching couple have sexman watches a couple have sexman watching a couple have sexmovie about a moviemovie audition within moviemovie in a moviemovie making within a moviemovie sequelmovie sequelsmovie within a moviemovie within moviemovies about moviesnew jerseynon disclosure agreementnumbered sequelpornographic referenceprayerreference to a pornographic filmreference to al pacinoreference to alexandria ocasio cortezreference to anal sexreference to arnold schwarzeneggerreference to batmanreference to benjamin franklinreference to c3poreference to carl saganreference to chewbaccareference to christopher nolanreference to cleopatrareference to conan the barbarianreference to deez nutsreference to doctor strangereference to elon muskreference to frederick douglassreference to george washington carverreference to godzillareference to han soloreference to howard sternreference to jason bournereference to jesus christreference to lando calrissianreference to luke skywalkerreference to mad magazinereference to malcolm xreference to masturbationreference to matt damonreference to miles davisreference to motley cruereference to nftsreference to oral sexreference to orson wellesreference to ozzy osbournereference to penetrationreference to penis sizereference to pornographic moviesreference to princess leiareference to quentin tarantinoreference to r2 d2reference to richard linklaterreference to robert de niroreference to satanreference to self fellatioreference to seth rogenreference to sexreference to sex actsreference to sex organsreference to sex practicesreference to sexual encountersreference to sexual organsreference to sexual penetrationreference to steven soderberghreference to the avengersreference to the disney corporationreference to the new jersey devilsreference to thorreference to thor the marvel comics characterreference to tiktokreference to tinderreference to tony starkreference to wes andersonreference to woman's bodiesreference to woman's sex organsreference to wonder womanroof of buildingrude commentsequelsequel to cult moviesex in a carsexual expletivessexual punssexual voyeurismsexually crude commentssilent bob charactersmoking drugssmoking marijuanasurgeonthird parttombstonetripeumbrellavhs tapevideo callvideo storeview askewniversevoyeurismwaiting roomwidowmaker heart attachwitch costume
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