Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | |
Role model | No role models; these wealthy characters are unhappy and selfish, with little regard for humanity or others' feelings. |
Violence | For the most part, violence is kept to a minimum, but there are three sudden, violent, intense moments involving stabbing and/or gunshots and blood. Also, after getting hit by a pie, the main character kicks a man in the crotch. |
Sex | The main character is married and has graphic sex with two other women during the course of a day. One sex act has no nudity, but the other features full-frontal female nudity (and very nearly full-frontal male nudity, but not quite). Also strong sexual tension and talk about sex throughout. |
Language | Language is very infrequent but includes one or two uses of strong words like "f--k," "t-ts," and the "N" word. |
Consumerism | Some scenes appear to take place in or around Times Square. Some billboard advertising can be glimpsed in the corners out of the limo windows, but it's not overt. |
Drugs | The main character drinks what appears to be vodka and, later, brandy, in his limo. Cigarettes are mentioned but never produced. |
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