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Count Dracula

Summary: The vampire count leaves his Transylvanian home to wreak havoc across the world.
Runtime: 2 h 30 min

Language: English


based on novel

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Tags / Keywords
1890s19th centuryabbeyamericanarmed womanasking for the timeasylumattacked while sleepingawkward silencebare feetbarefootbarefoot womanbased on novelbatbedroombinocularsbirdbite marksbitten in the neckblack and white photographbloodblood stainblood transfusionblurry visionborgo passbreaking a mirrorbreaking a windowbridebride of draculabritish abroadbritish man abroadcamera shot of a woman's feetcamera shot of feetcamera shot of handcampfirecamping outcandlecandle lightcarfaxcarriagecastlecastle draculacatching a flychapelcharacter name in titlechasechristianchristian subtextcigar smokingclose up of a woman's faceclose up of eyesclosing a dead person's eyesclosing eyes of dead personclosing the eyes of a dead mancloudy skycocoacoffincomplimenting someone's appearanceconsecrated hostconversation on a bedcorrespondencecostume horrorcountcount dracula charactercouple kissingcrosscross protects against evilcrossing a rivercrossing oneselfcrucifixcrying mancrying womancutting face while shavingdeath by shockdeath of motherdeath of title characterdeath of vampiredeath of villaindiscipledoctordraculadracula characterdracula's bridesdressed in all whitedrinking a vampire's blooddutch abroaddutchman abroaddying screamengagementenglandentering someone's bedroom while they sleepequestrianismeternal lifeeternityeucharisteuropeevil eyeevil manexiting through a windowexorcismfangsfear of being left alonefeeding birdsfemale triofemale vampirefiance fiancee relationshipfiance murders his fianceefianceefirearmfireplacefishingflyforbidden roomforehead scargalloping horsegarlicgarlic necklaceglovesgold platesgood versus evilgothicgothic horrorgraveyardguestgunfightgypsyhairy chesthammerhandsome vampireheadachehit with a shovelhomecominghorsehorse and carriagehorseback ridinghouseflyhowling windhowling wolfhugimmortalityinfraredinjured by gunshotinsane asyluminsanityinscriptioninsectintelligenceintelligent villainkeeping a secretkilled while sleepingkiller by her loverkisskiss on the foreheadkissing woman's handkneelingkneeling manlatinlatin languagelaughing womanlaughterlawyerlibrarylittle boylocked roomlong fingernailslong hairlong haired womanlong skirtloss of familyloss of motherloss of sisterlucy westenra characterlying awake in bedmale male hugmale protagonistman kisses a woman's foreheadman kisses a woman's handman removes his shirtman shavesmarriage proposalmaster vampiremay 4thmayfair londonmirrormissing mother's funeralmissing sister's funeralmistmisty formmoanmoaning womanmother daughter relationshipnecklacenegative footagenewlywed couplenewspapernightdressno reflection in a mirrornobilitynosferatuoffering wineone on one conversationopiatepianopitying the villainplaying the pianoprayerprofessorpromisepsychotronic filmquestioning one's sanityratreading a newspaperrecreational fishingreference to a beereference to a butterflyreference to amsterdam netherlandsreference to an angelreference to anemiareference to budapest hungaryreference to christian mythologyreference to godreference to heavenreference to hellreference to lotusreference to lotus flowerreference to purgatoryreference to soulreference to the afterlifereference to the devilriding bootsriflesailing shipsanctuarysarcasmscarscar on the foreheadscarred womanscenic beautyscreaming womansecret from motherseductionseductive vampiresensing deathsensing someone's deathsexy female vampiresharing a bedroomshavingshawlshipshooting a vampireshortcutshot in the stomachshovelsister sister relationshipsisters sharing a bedroomskippersleeping womansleepwalkersleepwalkingsleepwalking womanslow motion scenesmilesmiling womansmoking tobaccosnowsoftspoken villainsolicitorspellspringst. george's daystagecoachstake through the heartstatue of angelsteam enginestenchstethoscopestormstormy nightstormy weatherstraight razorstrigoistruggle to survivesuicidesummersuperstitionsurrealismsurrogate sistersurrounded by foessurvivaltalismantexantexan abroadtitle directed by maletokaytombstonetombstone inscriptiontouching someone's hairtransylvaniatreating someone as propertytrioturning into a vampireundeadunited kingdomvampirevampire bitevampire fangsvampire huntervampire repelled by a crossvampire slayervaultvictorian eravillain as protagonistvillain dressed in blackvillain taunting the herowaferwalking deadwashing handswaveswhistlewhitby englandwhitby north yorkshirewhite dresswhite horsewife saves husband's lifewinewolfwoman dressed in whitewoman plays a pianowoman wears a long skirtwoman wears a nightdresswoman wears a shawlwoman wears a skirtwoman wears gloveswoman's bedroomwooden stakeworryingwriting paperyear 1892yorkshire englandyoung woman
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