Watch NowShow more Crooked HeartsPlay Trailer Summary: How the discovery of a father's affair affects each member of his family.Release Date: September 06, 1991Genres: Drama, RomanceDirector: Michael Bortman Michael BortmanDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Robert Boswell Robert BoswellWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Michael Bortman Michael BortmanWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 53 minMPAA: R Production: A&M Films, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)Distributor: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)Country: United StatesLanguage: EnglishDomestic: $ 30,964 Box office:Domestic:$31KWorldwide:$31KAdaptation/remake:based on novelPossible Big Business:Production:Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) N/A The average Rotten Tomatoes audience score is 38%.38%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 50%0% 50% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.0% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White76.47%Jewish23.53% N/A No MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:38%IMDb:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Peter BergStar Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Vincent D'OnofrioStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Noah WyleStar Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Juliette LewisSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jennifer Jason LeighSupporting Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Peter CoyoteSupporting Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Cindy PickettSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Wendy GazelleSupporting Arab Female Filmography Wikipedia Marg HelgenbergerSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Deanna MilliganSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Joshua JacksonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sacha MoiseiwitschSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ian TraceySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Vincent GaleSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia David LongworthSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ryan JorgensonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Doreen RamusSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Babs ChulaSupporting Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Babs ChulaExtra Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Dee Jay JacksonExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Kenneth KantymirExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Curt BonnExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John KernahanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Michael BortmanWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Robert BoswellWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Fiona JacksonCast director Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Mark BentleyProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gil FriesenProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lianne HalfonProducer Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Dale PollockProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Rick StevensonProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords abortionadulteryambulanceangeraquariumarsonarsonistbakerybannerbare breastsbased on novelbasketballbathbathtubbeachbeerberkeley californiabiting fingernailsbloodbowlingboybreastsbrother brother relationshipbrother killedbrother sister relationshipbrushing hairburialburning a letterbuscafecakecandlecannolicartoon on tvcemeterycigarette smokingcleavagecoffeecollege dropoutcollege studentcommitmentcontractconvertibledancerdancingdeathdogdreamdrinkdrinkingdrug usedrugsdyingdysfunctional familyeatingextramarital affairfalling asleepfamily homefamily relationshipsfamily secretfather daughter relationshipfather son relationshipfemale frontal nudityfemale nudityfightfilling stationfire enginefiremanfishflash forwardfloridafoodforgivenessgas stationgraveyardhit by a carhit by carhouse firehusband wife relationshiphypocrisyhypocriteinfidelityjealousyjukeboxjunkiekissletterliarlielist of ruleslockerlos angeles californialovelove letterlove letters burnedmale female relationshipmanateemarriagemother daughter relationshipmother son relationshipmovingnervousnessnudenude girlnudityorange juiceorange the fruitpajamaspartypastry shoppierce collegepinball machinepittsburgh pennsylvaniapocket knifepregnancypuppyresponsibilityrestaurantsafesaleswomanscantily clad femalesecretsexsex in bathtubshared bathsleeplessnessstation wagonstudentsuitcasetacoma washingtontaxiteacherthrowing food on a walltoasttopless female nuditytv salesmantypewriterundressingunfaithfulnessvanvirginiavoice over narrationvolkswagen vanvoyeurvoyeurismwaitresswatching tvwearing clothes in a bathtubwelcome home partywoman in a bathtubAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Broken Souls And Crooked HeartsI posted something the other day about the occult and criminal violence around the Santa Muerte cult, a favorite of narcotraficantes. 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