Darkness Falls
Summary: A vengeful spirit has taken the form of the Tooth Fairy to exact vengeance on the town that lynched her 150 years earlier. Her only opposition is the only child, now grown up, who has survived her before.
Release Date: January 24, 2003
Jonathan Liebesman
Runtime: 1 h 26 min
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 11,000,000
Domestic: $ 32,551,396
International: $ 14,937,140
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
arrestassaultautomobilebarbarefoot femalebarefoot on streetbarefoot runningbased on short filmbathtubbeatingbeerbloodboyboyfriend girlfriend relationshipboys' bathroombroken glassbrother sister relationshipbullet dodgingbullyburn victimburned facecarcar accidentcar crashcar crashes through a windowcasinocatcell phonechasechild in jeopardychildhood sweetheartchildhood traumaconcertcorpsecursedark and stormy nightdarknessdead bodydeathdeath of motherdepressiondoomdrawingdrinkdrinkingdrunkennesselevatorelevator crashelevator shaftexploding bodyfacial scarfairy talefalling down stairsfalling from heightfalse accusationfearfear of the darkfightfireflareflash forwardflashbackflashlightfordford broncoford carford motor vehicleforestfoster homefriendfriendshipgash in the faceghostgirlgrindhouse filmgungun storehallucinationhaunted hospitalhidinghiding under a bedhospitalinjectioninjection guninjuryjailjail celljapanese carkisslas vegas nevadalawyerlifting someone into the airlightlighthouselightningmaskmedicationmental hospitalmitsubishimitsubishi motor vehiclemontagemother son relationshipmotor vehiclemurdermurder of mothernight terrorsnightmarenurseperson on firephotographpistolpixieplaguepolicepolice officer killedpolice stationpolicemanpoolporcelain maskpower outageprologuepsychoticpunched in the facerevengereverse footageriflerunning barefootscratch on armself inflicted woundsensory deprivationshotgunshowerspilled drinkspiral staircasespitting bloodstormsuicide attemptsupernatural horrorsupernatural powerteenage boyteenage girlteeththrown from a carthrown through a windshieldtied to a bedtitle appears in writingtitle spoken by charactertoothtooth fairyu.s. carvoice over narrationwinged creaturewoods
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