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Death Wish

Summary: Dr. Paul Kersey is an experienced trauma surgeon, a man who has spent his life saving lives. After an attack on his family, Paul embarks on his own mission for justice.
Runtime: 1 h 47 min

Countries: United States, Canada
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 30,000,000
Domestic: $ 34,017,028
International: $ 15,545,682
Other Cast, Production

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Tags / Keywords
abandoned areaaccidental killingaction heroaerial camera shotafrican american copafrican american police officeralley fightambiguous endingambulanceambushamerican flaganimalanti heroarmed robberarmed robberyassaultattempted murderattempted rapeattempted robberyauto repair shopauto shopautomatic weaponautomobileavenging wife's deathavenging wife's deathbald manbandagebandaged handbarbaseballbaseball batbased on novelbasementbathroombeachbeadsbeardbearded manbeatingbending overbetrayalbicyclebig breastsbirthdayblonde girlblonde womanbloodblood on groundblood splatterblood stainbmwbmw carbmw motor vehiclebody shopbowlingbowling ballboybrake fluidbrake fluidbrawlbreaking and enteringbreastsbroken legbroken neckbrotherbrother brother relationshipbrutalityburglarybusiness cardcalling 911camera phonecaninecarcarjackingcctv cameracell phonecell phone videocemeterycereal barcereal barchasechicago illinoischildchop shopcitycity viewcityscapeclub shootingclub shootingcollege acceptancecollege boundcomacomatosecomputerconfessionconspiracycontroversycookbookcopycatcordless drillcordless power drillcordless power toolcork boardcorpsecoup de gracecovered with a sheetcrawlingcrawling on the groundcrime fightercriminalcrushed by a carcrushed headcrushed to deathcrushed under a carcutting someone's legdancingdangerdark herodartdaughterdaughter in a comadead police officerdeathdeath in titledeath of spousedeath of wifedeath wishdeceptiondeerdefibrillationdefibrillatordeskdetached housedetectivedetour signdetour signdisarming someonedisassembling a gundisassembling a gundoctordoctor's uniformdoctor's uniformdogdouble crossdrug dealerdrug dealer murdereddual wielddumpsterearringed boyearringed boyeavesdroppingel trainelevatorengagement ringescapeethnic minorityethnic slurevacuationexcruciating painexcruciating painexecutionface maskfacial cutfacial scarfalling to the floorfamily manfamily relationshipsfat manfatherfather daughter relationshipfearfemale police officerfemale psychiatristfightfiling cabinetfilmed killingfinal showdownfinger gunfirearmfistfightflash forwardflashbackflashlightflashlight penflashlight penfootballfoul mouthfrench kissfriendfriendshipfuneralganggang membergaragegerman cargetting back stolen itemgetting back stolen itemgirl uses a wheelchairglass vialglockglovesgmc motor vehiclegmc pickup truckgogglesgoing away to collegegoregrim reaperguitargungun culturegun nutgun storegun to the headgun violencegunfightgunshot woundgurneyhand injuryhand toolhandcuffshandgunhandheld weaponhard drivehead butthead crushedhead shopheadshotheld at gunpointhenchmanhidden under stairshidden under stairshidden weaponhiding a gunhiding in a closethigh risehighwayhispanic manhit with a wrenchholding patient's handholding patient's handholding someone's handhome invasionhomicidehoodedhoodedhoodiehoodlumhospitalhostagehousehuman shieldhusband mourns wifehusband wife relationshiphypodermic syringeillinoisimprovised weaponincisioninjured handinjured leginternetinterrogationinterrogation by tortureinvestigationjewelryjusticekicked in the crotchkidnappingkiss on the cheekkiss on the lipskitchenknifeknife cutknife cut to faceknife woundknocked outknown drug dealerknown drug dealerlaptop computerlatex gloveslavatorylaw and orderleather jacketleft handedleft handed gunmanleft handed gunmanleft handed manleft handed personlens flareliquor storelittle boyloss of spouseloss of wifelying down under a carlying on the groundmachine gunmale detectivemale doctormale medical doctormale physicianmale protagonistmale robbermale surgeonmale vigilantemale wears an earringmanman murders a womanman wears a suit and tieman wears blackman wears eyeglassesman wears gogglesman with a ponytailmasked assailantmasked manmasked robbermechanicmedia coveragemedical doctormedical equipmentmedical treatmentmedicinemen's washroommercilessnessmercy killingmessmiddle namemobile telephonemontagemoral dilemmamother daughter relationshipmotor carmotor truckmotor vehiclemurdermurder caught on tapemurder investigationmurder of a manmurder of a police officermurder of a womanmurder spreename tagnear death experienceneck breakingneo noirneon signnew york citynews anchornews reportnightnightclubnightclub shootingnightclub shootingnighttimeno opening creditsnurseobscene finger gestureofficeoffscreen killingone against manyone man armyone man crusadeopening a safeopening action sceneoperationoutnumberedpainpanicpassenger compartmentpaul kersey characterpawnshopphone videophotographphysical torturephysicianpickup truckpillpinned under a carpistolpizzaplain clothes police officerpoacherpointing a gun at one's headpointing a gun at someonepointing one's finger at someonepolicepolice at the doorpolice at the doorpolice badgepolice carpolice detectivepolice investigationpolice officerpolice partnerpolice photographerpolice statementpolice stationpolice vehiclepolicemanpool of bloodpouring brake fluid to woundpouring brake fluid to woundpower drillpower outagepower toolproduct placementprotagonist becomes antagonistpsychiatristpublic transitpuddle of bloodrace against timeracial slurradio call in showradio newsraised middle fingerreading aloudreading aloud from a bookrebootreboot of seriesreference to c. s. lewisreference to lebron jamesreference to michael jordanreference to the grim reaperreference to the lion the witch and the wardroberelease from hospitalreleased from hospitalremakeremake of cult favoriterestaurantrestraintreturning moneyrevengerevenge motivereverse footagerevolverrifleright wingrighteous rageringrobberyrural americasabotagesafescalpelscarscene of the crimescreamingself defenseself justiceself surgerysevere painsevere painshattering glassshooting a manshooting a police officershooting rangeshootoutshot animalshot animalshot at close rangeshot deershot deershot in the armshot in the backshot in the chestshot in the faceshot in the foreheadshot in the headshot in the mouthshot in the shouldershot point blankshot through a doorshot through a wallshot through a windowshot to deathshotgunshowdownskull capskyscrapersleeping fully clothedsleeping on a couchsleeping pillsleeves rolled upslide locked backsliding doorslipping on bloodsmartphonesoccersoccer momsocial commentarysocial decaysole black character dies clichesouthpawspeaking to a comatose patientspilt brainspilt brainsplit screensport utility vehiclesqueegeestabbed in the armstabbed in the cheststabbed in the handstabbed in the legstabbed with a lawn dartstabbed with a lawn dartstabbingstairwellstanding in the rainstealing a cell phonestealing from the deadstepping on a woundstepping on a woundstepping on someonestrapped to car bumperstrapped to car bumperstreet justicestreet lifestreet shootoutstretchersuburbsuburbiasurfing the websurgeonsurgerysurgery masksurgery masksurprise endingsuspensesuspicionsuturesuvsuv hitting a fire hydrantsuv hitting a fire hydrantswitchbladetabletaking out the trashtaking the law into one's own handstaking the law into ones own handstaking the law into ones own handstaking the law into own handstaking the law into own handstalking to a comatose persontalking to a comatose persontalking to a person in a comatarget practicetattootattoo on shouldertattooed armtattooed criminaltattooed mantattooed neckteenage girltextingthefttherapytherapy sessionthreatened with a knifethugthumbtoilettoilet stalltormenttorturetouchscreentough guytoweltragic eventtragic herotreating a woundtreating oneselftreating woundtube in throattv newstv on the walltwo word titleuncle niece relationshipuniformed police officerunited states of americauploadurban decayurban settingurinalusaused gunused gunused weaponused weaponuzivaletvanvehiclevehicle hitting a fire hydrantvehicle hitting a fire hydrantvendettavengeancevigilantevigilante justicevigilantismviolenceviolence against a womanviral videowaitresswaking up from a comawalking at nightwarriorwashing machinewashroomwatching tvwater coolerweaponwheelchairwidowwidowerwine shopwitnesswitness statementwomanwoman in jeopardywounded handwounded legwrenchwristwatchyelling
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