Summary: After breaking up with his childhood sweetheart, a young man finds solace in drugs. Meanwhile, a teenage girl is caught in the world of prostitution. Will they be destroyed, or will they find redemption?
Release Date: February 06, 2009
Anurag Kashyap
Runtime: 2 h 24 min
MPAA: Not Rated
Movie budget: $ 60,000,000
Domestic: $ 18,613
International: $ 4,029,356
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
abstaining from alcoholabstinenceacid tripaddictionaimlessnessalcoholismanti conformityanti heroantiheroarroganceattitudebad tripbased on novelbeerbinge drinkingbmwcar crashcatharsischapter headingscharacter name in titlecharacter repeats someone else's dialoguecharacter repeats someone else's dialoguechildhood sweetheartclassic literaturecocainecoming of ageconflicted herocontemporary settingdelhidownward spiraldrinking bingedrug abusedrug addictdrug tripdrunk drivingemotional abuseemotional manipulationeuphoriaexistentialismexploring sexualityfarmfilm with ambiguous titlegirlgrim realityhit and runhitchhikingimmaturityindependent filmindian sex comedylsdmanipulationmasturbationmisunderstandingmmsmultiple perspectivesnaive girlnaive mannaivetyneo noirneon signnew beginningnudityoverdosephone sexpornographyprostitutepsychedeliapsychedelicreference to catcher in the ryeremakeself destructivenesssex scandalsexual frustrationslutsmokingsnorricamsnorting cocainespoiled brattrippingunrequited lovevodkavomitingweedyoung
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