Dinosaurs Alive
Summary: This program presents some of the more recent ideas about dinosaurs that are gaining acceptance while following paleontologists searching for fossils over the decades in the Gobi Desert and New Mexico.
Runtime: 0 h 40 min
MPAA: Not Rated
Production: Giant Screen Films
Country: United States
Language: English
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
animated sequencearchive footagebrooding dinosaurcamel haircampfirecanathasouruscaravancoelophysisconfuciusornisdiggingdinosaur eggdinosaur fossileagleeffigiaexcavationfeathered dinosaurflaming cliffflash floodfoot chasegastrolithghost ranch new mexicogobi desertimaxjurassicmicroscopemil mi 8 hip helicoptermongolianestoverhead camera shotoviraptorpack huntingpaleontologistpetrified forestpickaxeplasterpostosuchusprotoceratopssandstormseismosaurussome scenes in black and whitetarbosaurustarchiatenttime lapse photographyvelociraptor
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