Watch NowShow more Don't Be Afraid of the DarkPlay Trailer Summary: A young girl sent to live with her father and his new girlfriend believes that she has released creatures from a sealed ash pit in the basement of her new home.Release Date: August 26, 2011Genres: Fantasy, Thriller, HorrorDirector: Troy Nixey Troy NixeyDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Guillermo del Toro Guillermo del ToroWriter Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia , Matthew Robbins Matthew RobbinsWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Nigel McKeand Nigel McKeandWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 39 minMPAA: R Production: Miramax, FilmDistrict, Necropia, Gran Via Productions, Tequila Gang, Necropia EntertainmentDistributor: FilmDistrict, Sony Pictures Home EntertainmentCountries: United States, Australia, MexicoLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 25,000,000Domestic: $ 24,046,682International: $ 14,222,847 Box office:Budget:$25MDomestic:$24MInternational:$14.2MWorldwide:$38.3MBox office International:[{"country":"Italy","data":"1545452","flag":"IT"},{"country":"Venezuela","data":"426869","flag":"VE"},{"country":"Peru","data":"288390","flag":"PE"},{"country":"Bolivia","data":"53615","flag":"BO"}]Source: The NumbersAdaptation/remake:remakeProduction:Miramax(Paramount Global subsidiary) -26% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -26% lower than the critics.60%34%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 44%11% 44% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.11% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White88.89%Black5.56%Asian5.56% 1.65 BechdeltestPassed!CommonsensemediaRole model1/5Violence4/5Sex2/5Language1/5Consumerism1/5Drugs1/5This film gets a 1.65/5 family friendly score Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:60%34%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Katie HolmesStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Guy PearceStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bailee MadisonStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Jack ThompsonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alan DaleSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Emilia BurnsSupporting Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Nicholas BellSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia James MackaySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Eddie RitchardSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Bruce GleesonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Carolyn Shakespeare-AllenSupporting Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Julia BlakeSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Trudy HellierSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Terry KenwrickSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Garry McDonaldSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia David TocciSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lance DrisdaleSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Libby GottSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Grant PiroExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Todd MacDonaldExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dylan YoungExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Guillermo del ToroExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Libby GottExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Angus SmallwoodExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Abbe HolmesExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Richard DavineExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lisa N EdwardsExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Kim RossExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Troy NixeyDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Guillermo del ToroProducer Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Matthew RobbinsWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nigel McKeandWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Venus KananiCast director Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia William HorbergProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mark JohnsonProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Stephen JonesProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nick NunziataProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tom WilliamsProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords airportanimated creditsarchitectarchitectural drawingbare chested malebasementbathtubbloodbloody violencebookcaseboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbroken legbubble bathcameracandlecharacter repeats someone else's dialoguecharacter's point of view camera shotchild in jeopardychild protagonistchild psychiatristcoincovered in bloodcreaturecrushed to deathdinnerdinner tabledisappearancedrawingestatefairy talefalling down stairsfather daughter relationshipfather's girlfriendfearfemale protagonistfirefireplaceflash cameraflashbulbflashlightfolkloreforestgaragegardengirl in bathtubgrindhouse filmhammer and chiselhaunted basementhaunted househearing voicesheavy rainhidden doorhiding under the covershome libraryhorror movie remakehorse drawn carriagehospitalhousekeeperimpinstant camerainterior designerknifeknocked outkoi fishkoi pondlens flarelibrarylittle girllong takelooking through a keyholemaidmansionmonstermuralmurdermushroomold dark housepaintingparanoiapartypolaroid cameraprivate librarypsychiatristpsychotronic filmreference to john james audubonreference to pope sylvester iiremakescarscreamingsecret doorself sacrificesevered armshavingshower curtainsilver dollarspiral staircasestabbed in the facestabbed in the handstabbed in the legstabbed in the shoulderstabbed to deathstabbed with a screwdriverstabbed with scissorsstepmother stepdaughter relationshipsupernatural creaturesupernatural horrorsuspenseteddy bearteethteeth knocked outtitle at the endtoothtooth ripped outunconsciouswildlife paintingwoman in a bathtubwoodsyear 999Add Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK"Sacrifice Stops Evil"Content: -2 Extreme caution for older teenagers and adults. 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